I have two pumpkins that I grew. One is 5 lbs. and the other is 8.5 lbs. They are only orange on the the side that was on the ground. I have already picked them as the vines were dying back. Will they ripen more? And how will I know when they are ripe? I have them in the garage. I want to use them to make pies.
I found the following on the web page of Pumpkin Nook, a commercial site.
Extending the season- If your pumpkins are still on the vine, they are best left there. Cut away any leaves that may block the sun, however small. In the waning hours of daylight, the fruit can use every ray it can get. If Jack Frost is about to stop by, get some large plastic sheeting. Cover the fruit and the vine. Anchor the plastic with bricks or rocks to keep the wind from blowing it off. If the next day is going to be very cold, you can leave it on all day. If not, remove it.
Ripening out of the patch- As previously mentioned, green and partially orange pumpkins will ripen up with sunlight, warmth, and time. Just follow these steps:
- Remove the pumpkins from the patch and wash off the dirt.
- Place your pumpkins on a warm, sunny deck or patio.
- They can also be brought inside. If you bring them indoors, make sure there is good air circulation to minimize the chances of mold and rotting.
- Turn the greenest side of the pumpkin towards the sun.
- Rotate the pumpkin from time to time to allow the sun to reach the greener parts of the pumpkin.
- If left outdoors, bring them in at night to keep the pumpkins’ temperature warmer.
Here is more information (now archived), from the University of Illinois Extension.