Acknowledgements for Publications and Presentations


Please acknowledge the W. M. Keck Microscopy Center and the Keck Center Manager, Dr. Nathaniel Peters, in any publication relying on imaging data acquired in the Keck Center, training and assistance provided by the Keck Center Manager, and/or image analysis performed in the Keck Center.

A discussion of co-authorship may be appropriate if the Keck Center Manager personally conducts critical imaging for a publication (i.e., fully assisted imaging).

Please give the Keck Center Manager a reprint or reference to any publications acknowledging the Keck Center and its Manager.

Leica SP8X Confocal Microscope

In addition the general acknowledgements described above, publications using imaging data from the Leica SP8X confocal must also acknowledge the NIH S10 grant that originally funded the instrument (S10 OD016240) as well as the UW Student Technology Fee (UWSTF), which funded computer, scanning hardware, and deconvolution software upgrades to the confocal.

IMARIS Image Analysis

In addition to the general acknowledgements described above, publications using IMARIS image analysis on the Keck Center’s IMARIS workstation must also acknowledge the UW Student Technology Fee (UWSTF), which funded hardware and full software upgrades to the IMARIS image analysis system.

May the FluOResCencE be with you!