The Keck Center is primarily self-service and users are expected to be considerate of other users and to use the equipment responsibly. Users lacking such consideration may lose usage privileges at the Keck Center.
Only trained users may operate microscopes and image analysis workstations in the Keck Center. Every user must be trained by the Keck Center Manager for each instrument they wish to use. See the Forwarned is Forarmed policy page.
Users must clean the working area after they are finished imaging. This includes cleaning objectives, counter tops, covering the microscope and removing all materials from the work area.
Users MUST inform the Keck Center Manager of any planned live imaging experiments and any health risks associated with work done in the Center. Imaging of BSL-2 samples requires specific approval from the Keck Center Manager and appropriate modifications to a lab’s Biological Use Authorization.
The Keck Center operates as a UW recharge center. Rates are approved through the Office of Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) and the Dean’s Office.
Computers and Data:
Keck Center computers and telephones are subject to UW usage guidelines. Users are responsible for following these guidelines when using this equipment.
Users should not store data indefinitely on Keck Center computers, and the Keck Center does not take responsibility for stored user data. Sensitive imaging data must immediately be removed from Keck Center computers after image acquisition. Users are responsible for backing up and removing their data promptly following imaging. Labs and associated users are responsible for backup and storage of raw (original) imaging data.
Reservations for using the equipment are made on the Equipment Sign-Up Page on a first-come, first-served basis. Users are expected to respect the reservations of other users and finish imaging/file transfers/cleanup by the end of their online reservation time. Any restrictions with regard to signing up on an individual instrument are posted above the calendar for that instrument.
Users should adhere to reservation schedule as closely as possible and contact the Keck Center Manager if there are any last-minute changes of plan. Lateness of 1 hour or more may result in cancellation of the reservation. No-shows that keep other users blocked from reserving time may be charged for the time they reserved. See the Forwarned is Forarmed policy page.