The following hourly rates have been approved by Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) and the Dean’s Office for 7/1/23-6/30/24.

Confocal Microscopy:

Standard trained user rate: $ 61 / hour

Training rate: $ 171 / hour
For users new to confocal imaging, training typically requires 2, separate, 2-hour sessions.  For users with previous confocal experience, training typically requires a single 1-2 hour session.

Long-term rate for imaging time beyond 3 hours: $ 35 / hour

External Users (industry/for-profit): $ 132 / hour standard, $ 371 / hour training, $ 75 / hour long-term

External Users (academic/non-profit): $ 106 / hour standard, $ 297 / hour training, $ 60 / hour long-term

Widefield Microscopy:

Standard trained user rate: $ 30 / hour

Training rate: $ 171 / hour
For users new to widefield microscopy, training typically requires ~1 hour.

Long-term rate for imaging time beyond 3 hours: $ 12 / hour

External Users (industry/for-profit): $ 65 / hour standard, $ 371 / hour training, $ 65 / hour long-term

External Users (academic/non-profit): $ 52 / hour standard, $ 297 / hour training, $ 21 / hour long-term

Image Analysis:

IMARIS workstation:  $ 22 / hour

External Users (industry/for-profit): $ 49 / hour

External Users (academic/non-profit): $ 39 / hour

FIJI – LASX workstation:  No charge