SEIU Local 1199

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The Workers
SEIU Local 925
WFSE Local 1488
UAW Local 4121
SEIU Local 1199
GCC/IBT Local 767M


SEIU 1199NW  represents more than 1,600 University of Washington employees at the Harborview Medical Center including nurses, social workers, and health care specialists. A union that focuses on hospital and health care workers, 1199NW has units in hospitals throughout the state of Washington for a total membership of 18,000.

The union has a long and fascinating history. Founded by a group of New York pharmacists in the 1930s, it began to organize hospital workers in the 1950s but did not reach the Northwest until 1982. Nurses at Group Health Cooperative organized the first unit in Washington state and 1199NW has been growing ever since. 

1199NW maintains a website that has information about the union and news of current campaigns and bargaining. Click on the logo below:


We also have two student reports about SEIU 1199.

"The Origins of SEIU 1199NW" - Rebecca Brown details the History of 1199 from its early days in New York, through the tumultuous campaigns of the 1970s, to the beginnings of the Northwest units in the 1980s.

"SEIU 1199NW" - Peter Colasurdo examines the Mission and Structure of 1199NW, describing the union's membership, its organizing philosophy, and its relationships with other unions. He also introduces 1199NW's President Diane Sosne and other officers.


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These articles were written in Spring 2002. For problems or questions contact James Gregory.