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Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center

Conducting Research In DISC

    The imaging resources of the DISC are open to all qualified users, so whether you've arrived at this page because you are interested in collaborating with DISC scientists on new or on-going research, or you'd like to leverage DISC's state-of-the art technology, expertise, and resources to your own research program, this page will help you get started.

    Below is information to assist DISC investigators and collaborators in day-to-day research activities.

    We have the following equipment and accessories.


    • 32 channel head coil
    • 20 channel head/neck coil
    • 15 channel neurovascular coil
    • 32 channel torso coil, including spine imaging
    • 8 channel pediatri coil
    • 15 channel flexible coild
    • 2 channelflex loop coils

    Sequence capabilities

    • HCP Connectome compatible fMRI and DTI protocols
    • ABCD and HBCD compatible imaging protocols
    • SyMRI
    • Realt-time motion sensing using DRIN
    • Johns Hopkins MEGA PRESS Spectroscopy
    • 2D and 3D PCASL
    • SWI imaging
    • Fat quantification with 2-pt. DIXON

    Other devices

    • Button boxes
    • Noise cancellation headphones
    • Respiract for gas delivery and challenges
    • MR Sage wheel chair
    • PearlTec Crania for head immobilization
    • Philips Physiology monitoring wireless and camera-based
    • In vivo physiology monitoring system
    • SR Eyelonk 1000 Plus Eye tracker
    • E-Prime, PsychoPY, MATLAB for stimulus delivery

    Other facilities

    • Two subject prep rooms
    • Changing table, rocking chair, Pack 'n' play
    • Conference room
    • Phlebotomy room and services
    • Night lighting with IR for infant scans
    • Rest room, waiting room, lockers
    • Mock Scanner with motion sensing, DTI sensitization, MRI sound sensitization

    Please contact for rates.

Last Modified: Friday, 09-Sep-2022 13:20:11 PDT