Safety Levels
This training module has been prepared to provide you with the information you will need to complete the Basic Safety certification process. It is designed to explain how MR technology works, why it can be dangerous, and how you can keep yourself and others safe.
- Project Personnel who are present during the scan and are available to get help or to assist in case of an emergency should complete steps 1-4. This person does NOT assist with the set up of the subject in the scanner or run the scanner equipment (this includes stimulus equipment). With this SAFETY level, the person is allowed to sit in the scanning area for observation purposes ONLY under the supervision of a Certified Technologist.
- Research Co-ordinators who are present during the scan session to assist with running or monitoring an experiment (but not including scanner operations) should additionally complete Step 4 This training level allows the person to assist with the setup of the subject in the magnet room and run the stimulus equipment under the supervision of a Certified Technologist.
Safety Training Steps
Step 1
Watch the safety video.This second video shows in a controlled experimental setting, how ferromagnetic objects can be pulled inside the magnet like projectiles. These projectiles can cause serious injuries to MR personnel and participants and can also be fatal. Although these events are rare, they are a good reminder of the strength of the scanner field and its dangers.
Step 2
Understand the zones and their restrictions and regulations. The DISC Suite is divided into the Red Zone, Yellow Zone and Green Zone. Each of these room is part of a specific safety zone. To be safe in this environment you need know the specific rooms associated with each zone, what safety restrictions apply in each zone and the location of equipment you might need to use in an emergency.The Green Zone, Zone 2
The green zone includes the Back Hallway, Restrooms, Conference Rooms, and DISC Personnel Offices. There are no safety restrictions for personnel or equipment in this zone. However, please consult the DISC before entering the area. There may be study-specific restrictions in using this space. See picture below to familiarize yourself with the area.The Yellow Zone, Zone 3
The yellow zone includes the DISC Lobby, MRI Hallway, and Control Room. To enter this area, you must have medical clearance. All personal items (watch, wallet, purse, credit cards, keys, phones, jewelry, etc) must be removed and store safely. All pockets must be empty! Emergency response equipment is located in this zone. This includes the firealarm, quench button, and the crash cart. See picture below to familiarize yourself with the yellow zone.The Red Zone, Zone 4
The red zone is restricted. Access is only allowed to DISC personnel and project personnel authorized by DISC. Please do not enter this room without explicit authorization from DISC. Emergency response equipment in this zone is the fire alarm and the quench button. The 5 Gauss zone is outlined beyond which ferromagnetic objects are strictly prohibited. See picture below to familiarize yourself with the red zone.
Step 3
Complete the Quiz . Please enter your UW email when taking the quiz if you have one.Step 4
Complete in-person interview. Times are available every Thursday between 2 pm - 3pm. Please contact DISC Support if this time does not work for you. Please have the Study Coordinator Training Checklist handy.Step 5
Complete and go over the Employee MRI Safety form with the safety officer. If possible, please fill it before your in-person interview. Link to the form in PDF and in Word .Study-dependent Step 6
Project specific safety training and study discussion with the DISC Team. These will also include research subject screening methods if person will be involved with subject selection and screening.Operator Training
To obtain operator training, research personnel must have completed steps 1-4 of the initial training and typically participates in at least 10 additional training scan sessions with a Certified Technologist. The Certified Technologist will observe you during a scan session with a real subject to confirm your qualification to become a "Certified Scanner Operator". Certification is project specific and cannot be generalized to any study. Note that adding projects may need a consultation and additional training. Details can be found in the DISC SOP.
Other Resources
ISMRM MR Safety, See Level 1: MRI Safety for ALL staffACR Guidance on MRI Safety
ISMRM Safety quizes, 2019
ISMRM Safety quizes, 2020