Tag Archives: intervention

26(1) Nutrition Issues Facing Children with Special Health Care Needs in Early Intervention Programs and at School

Sound nutrition practices are necessary for the growth and development of all infants and children. Physical complications and emotional stresses of a disability or chronic illness may put a child at risk for nutrition related disorders. When a diet or … Continue reading

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25(5) Nutrition Education for the Child with a Metabolic Disorder

This article describes the process of nutrition education for children with metabolic disorders using phenylketonuria (PKU) as a model. Although you may not work directly with this population of children, the article will assist you in recognizing what most pre-schoolers … Continue reading

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25(3) Nutrition and Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common concerns that parents/caregivers bring to health care professionals. For many parents, a child’s problems with constipation are quite obvious and can cause much worry. This edition of Nutrition Focus will discuss constipation and … Continue reading

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25(2) Practical Strategies to Enhance Nutrient and Energy Density of Oral Feedings for Children with Special Needs

Some children with special health care needs (CSHCN) may not consume adequate amounts of food to meet their energy and/or nutrient needs. This may compromise growth and overall health. The reasons for poor oral consumption are varied. Some children may … Continue reading

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25(1) Part 2 – Failure to Thrive: the child with neurological impairment

Children with Neurological Impairment (NI) such as Cerebral Palsy (CP) may meet the definition for Failure to Thrive (FTT), but are they truly failing to thrive? Children with CP grow more slowly than their able bodied counterparts but may still … Continue reading

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24(6) Part 1 – Failure to Thrive

Today’s practitioner faces many challenges when presented with a child who fails to grow at expected rates or is diagnosed as failure-to thrive (FTT). Although it has a documented place in pediatric literature, there is no clear consensus regarding an … Continue reading

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24(2) The Art of Home Visiting

Providing home-based services for the child with special health care needs presents unique challenges and opportunities for the pediatric registered dietitian (RD). From making the initial contact with parents and care providers, to scheduling follow-up visits,home visiting is an experience … Continue reading

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23(2) How Sensory Issues Impact Feeding in Children Part 2 – Intervention strategies

This article is Part 2 of a discussion about sensory issues that interfere with eating in some children. Feeding a child who has sensory issues, whether neurological or experienced based, is one of the most challenging problems for families and … Continue reading

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19(4) Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) and Small for Gestational Age (SGA) Infants: Implications for growth, outcome, and nutrition management

This issue of NUTRITION FOCUS will discuss the implications and nutrition management of infants experiencing deviations in fetal growth focusing on intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and small for gestational age (SGA). The three cases illustrate the various issues faced by … Continue reading

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18(4) Respiratory Disease in Infancy: A model for nutrition assessment

Normal respiration is a complex process. The normal functioning of these processes can be impaired early in life, often with an impact on an infant’s nutrition and feeding. This issue of NUTRITION FOCUS will review the causes of respiratory disease … Continue reading

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