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There have been many books and diaries written by Japanese soldiers who confessed about what they did during the massacre. In Japan, however, there weren’t a lot of Japanese historians who studied the issue, but there was media posted by the Japanese Government in the 1970’s stating that the Japanese Soldiers were heroes. There’s a book called “The Journey to China” published by Asahi Shinbun in 1971, this book is about the stories of the survivors of the Nanking massacre. There were never any other books or textbooks from Japan that were based on the massacre. There were some interviews and diaries from the Japanese soldiers where they described the atrocities.



Nanjing Massacre and the Tokyo War Crimes Trial. Basic Facts on the Nanjing Massacre and the Tokyo War Crimes Trial. 1992. 17 July. 2007.<http://www.cnd.org/njmassacre/nj.html>

"Nanjing Massacre." Nanking Massacre. 1998-2007. TravelChinaguide.com. 2 Aug 2007 <http://www.travelchinaguide.com/picture/jiangsu/nanjing/nanjing-massacre/index-2.htm>.

Nanking Pg.2. The Atrocities of the Massacre. August, 1995. 12 July. 2007 <http://www.gotrain.com/dan/nanking1.htm>
