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Alleged Torture

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Alleged Torture:

Live Burial: According to Young et. al. people were buried alive underground. First the soldiers would have the Chinese dig a hole in the dirt, go inside and let the soldiers bury them alive.

Bayonets: Young also reported that new Japanese soldiers who joined the army, would practice bayoneting Chinese POW soldiers in order to gain experience. Bayonets are knifes on the tip of the gun which you can use to stab somebody else.

Germ Warfare Experiments: Young also reported that Japanese scientists experimented on Chinese POW (Prisoners of War) soldiers, sometimes using torture chambers. He reported that they also used chemical experimentation for possible use against the U.S.

Burning: Young reported that some prisoners may have been shot, bayoneted, or stabbed and burned alive.


Barenblatt, Daniel. A Plague Upon Humanity. New York: Daniel Barenblatt, 2004.

Higashinakano, Shudo. The Nanking Massacre: Fact Versus Fiction -A historian's Quest for the Truth. Tokyo: Sekai Shuppan, Inc., 2005.

"Nanjing Massacre." Nanking Massacre. 1998-2007. TravelChinaguide.com. 2 Aug 2007 <http://www.travelchinaguide.com/picture/jiangsu/nanjing/nanjing-massacre/index-2.htm>.

Young, Shi., and Yin, James. The Rape of Nanking. Chicago, Illinois: Innovative Publishing Group, INC, 1997.
