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The Alleged Rape of Nanking

According to Young et. al. during the Massacre of Nanking, the Japanese soldiers of unit 731 not only invaded and killed the Chinese but they also tortured, humiliated, and raped some of the women. He claimed the Japanese generals condoned unethical behaviors. The Nanking Massacre is known as “The Rape of Nanking,” because there were reportedly a lot of rapes during that time. It is highly important to note, however, that there are other sources that dispute some of these reports and some of these alleged events have no evidence to support that it occurred (Higashinakano). 



Barenblatt, Daniel. A Plague Upon Humanity. New York: Daniel Barenblatt, 2004.

Higashinakano, Shudo. The Nanking Massacre: Fact Versus Fiction -A historian's Quest for the Truth. Tokyo: Sekai Shuppan, Inc., 2005.

Iriye, Akira. Horrors in the East. London: Laurence Rees., 2001.

Young, Shi., and Yin, James. The Rape of Nanking. Chicago, Illinois: Innovative Publishing Group, INC, 1997.