Advocacy and Support Services
HATC provides advocacy services for survivors of sexual assault and crime, as well as for people affected by gun violence.
Our advocates are here to help with free, confidential services. Our free services include crisis assistance, support, medical and legal advocacy, brief supportive counseling, information, and referral. We can meet with you in our office, in the community, on the phone or through ZOOM. Call us at 206-744-1600 and let us know how we can help. All of our services are ADA accessible and interpreter services are also available. Our hours are 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM PST.; Monday – Friday. If you call after hours, you will be given information to help you with next steps.
We also work closely with the City of Seattle and King County around the issue of gun violence and provide trauma counseling to people impacted by gun violence.

If you or a loved one needs immediate medical care, we can help. Harborview provides forensic medical exams and care for sexual assault, child physical abuse or other crime related injuries through the HMC Emergency Department. All of our services are ADA accessible and interpreters online and in person are available. You can get care 24/7. You may also go to one of the 7 medical centers where our Harborview SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) provide sexual assault forensic medical exams. You can be seen at:
- Harborview
- Swedish First Hill
- Valley Medical Center
- Virginia Mason Medical Center
- Seattle Children’s Medical Center
- University of Washington Medical Center
- University of Washington Medical Center – Northwest
The purposes of the sexual assault forensic exam are to:
- Provide support and care
- Provide an exam and check for injury
- Collect evidence
- Provide testing and preventive treatment for sexually transmitted infections
- Pregnancy testing and if appropriate, explore options to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy
- Share information and assist with reporting to police
- For children, assist with reporting to a child protection professional.
- Help set up a follow up appointment with a medical provider and social worker and offer resources
If you need forensic medical services outside of King County, please check our WA Safe website. It has a list of medical providers by county who are trained to provide medical care to sexual assault victims. www.WASafe.org
Non-Acute Medical Examinations
All children and youth about whom there is a concern of sexual abuse or rape that has occurred more than 5 days prior should have a non-acute sexual assault medical exam. The primary purpose of the exam is to make sure the child or youth is safe and healthy. Non-acute medical exams for children and teens are provided at our medical clinic during clinic hours. All appointments are with a specialty medical provider and social worker.
To talk with someone about an appointment, please call our clinic @ 206-744-1600.

Therapy is often a good option after experiencing trauma. Sometimes survivors and family members need information and support and other times, it helps to talk about what is bothering you and see if counseling would help.
The first counseling appointment is free. It is a chance for you to talk about how you are doing and learn more about how we can help. Our job is to listen and ask questions that help you sort out your needs. Counseling can be arranged after this visit. Give us a call at 206-744-1600 to schedule the first appointment.
All of our counseling services are culturally respectful, based on evidence and best practices. Our services are also ADA accessible, we have Spanish speaking staff and interpreter services in other languages are also available.
Counseling for Adults:
- Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
- Prolonged Exposure (PE)
- Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA)
Counseling for Children and Families:
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
- Counseling for children (10 years old or younger) with sexual behavioral problems.
- CBT for Parenting Skills
- Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for children up to age 8
- Alternative for Families (AF-CBT) for children 8 years old and older

Harborview provides prevention services in an effort to change systems, social norms, attitudes and behaviors that lead to sexual assault. Our prevention activities and initiatives include:
- Comprehensive sexual health education in local schools
- Supporting youth led initiatives promoting consent culture
- Policy work with local schools and youth serving organizations
- Training for professionals, caregivers, educators and providers on sexual assault prevention
- Coaching Boys Into Men: a prevention program for high school athletes on boys’ teams
- Athletes As Leaders: a prevention program for high school athletes on girls’ teams
- Team Up Washington: an initiative for local high school sports teams to engage in violence prevention
- Engaging Parents and Caregivers in Prevention: A Safer Family, A Safer World
- Culture of Consent: a podcast aimed for school staff and caring adults
- All In: A collaborative aiming to reduce sexual violence in the intellectual and developmental disabilities community
- Healthy Relationships with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
For more information contact Britnee Harvey at: Bharvey1@uw.edu.

Foster Care Assessment Program
The Foster Care Assessment Program (FCAP) is a statewide program contracted by the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) for dependent children. FCAP provides consultations and assessments for the most complex cases in the child welfare system. FCAP provides brief phone consultations as well as standard and comprehensive assessments with the objective of assisting DCYF in achieving permanency for children and youth. The program identifies and resolves barriers to permanency and identifies evidence-based interventions to improve functioning. Referrals are made directly to Harborview by the DCYF social service specialist.
Additional information and referral links can be found here: www.fcaponline.org

Brochure & Resources
Treatment Info
- Anxiety Information Sheet
- Behavior Problems Information Sheet
- Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress
- Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress Caregiver
- Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress Youth
- FAQs for Medical Examinations for children
Helpful Resources
- A Safer Family. A Safer World. Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
- Books for Children and Teens on Sexual Development and Sexual Abuse Prevention
- Coping with Grief After A Sudden or Traumatic Loss
- Crime Victims rights
- Criminal Legal System and Child Victim Witnesses
- Disability and Sexual Assault info sheet
- FAQs Sexual Assault Medical Exams for Children and youth (English)
- FAQs Sexual Assault Medical Exams for Children and youth (Spanish)
- Information about Sexual Offenders
- LGBTQ+ & Sexual Assault Info Sheet
- Sexual Assault: a Resource for Young People
- Agresión sexual: un recurso para los jóvenes,
- Taking Care of Your Child After A Sexual Assault
- Things Families Can Do to Cope with Trauma
- Things Families Can Do to Cope with Trauma – in Spanish
- Sexual Behavior & Children: When It is a Problem & What To Do About It
- Supporting A Loved One After Sexual Assault
- When Abuse Affects the Community