What to do in an Emergency

Emergency contact numbers

for fire or medical emergencies
(University Police) for criminal activity, threats or threatening behavior
543-9739 / 543-2690
Padelford contact #’s for other concerns
Safe Campus Information
for UW Faculty, Staff and Students

Exit lights in the building will remain on during emergencies.

Fire extinguishers are located in hallways on all floors throughout the building; use them to extinguish small fires, or as an aid to escape larger ones.

During any evacuation procedure, be prepared to assist others. Evacuate by stairways; do not use elevators.

Meet in HUB parking lot and identify yourself to floor wardens wearing fluorescent green hats.

First Aid kits and flashlights are located in English Department administrative offices: A-101, A- 105, A-11, B25E, A2B.

  • If you are physically assaulted or threatened, call 911.
  • If you feel you are being harassed by someone, either on- or off-campus, report it to your supervisor, the department administrator or the department chair immediately.
  • If you see a suspicious person, call University Police at 543-9331.
  • DO NOT confront the person. Keep a safe distance.
  • Do not block the person’s access to an exit.
  • Note the person’s direction of travel and try to remember details so you can provide a physical description.
  • Call 911 or pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • Do not move injured person unless there is imminent danger.
  • Try to keep the victim calm.
  • Call 911 or pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • If there is smoke, stay low.
  • Check doors before opening—do not open a hot door.
  • If you are INSIDE the building, stay there.
    Get under a table or desk, or below a counter or chairs immediately.
  • If you are OUTSIDE, stay away from high buildings, walls, power poles/lines and other objects that could fall.
    Move to an open area.
  • AFTER an earthquake:
  • Call 911 to report any injuries.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks.
  • Unplug or turn off your computer.
  • Do not ignite matches or lighters.

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