Course Descriptions (as of February 24, 1998)
The following course descriptions have been written by individual instructors
to provide more detailed information on specific sections than that found
in the General Catalog. When individual descriptions are not available,
the General Catalog descriptions [in brackets] are used. (Although we try
to have as accurate and complete information as possible, this schedule
remains subject to change.)
To Spring 300-level
To Spring 400-level
To 1997-98 Senior Seminars
200A (Reading Literature) W
Daily 8:30
Reading literature critically does not come "naturally"; it is a product
of both training and practice. Many people love reading literature but have
difficulty articulating the how and what of why a particular text affects
them. This class is designed to help students develop stronger critical reading
skills and to enable them to get greater enjoyment out of reading, analyzing
and discussing literature. We will read from a broad range of texts--poetry,
short fiction and a novel-and discuss the conventions of both literary form
and literary interpretation. This course is designed as an introduction to
the critical interpretation of literature and is open to students of all interests
and backgrounds. Texts: Lauter & Yarborough, eds., Heath Anthology
of American Literature, Vol. 2 (2nd ed.); Wharton, House of Mirth.
200 B (Reading Literature) W
Daily 9:30
--cancelled 2/3/98--
200 C (Reading Literature) W
Daily 10:30
This course will acquaint students with methods of close reading poetry,
short stories, and a novel. The majority of the readings will come from the
Heath Anthology of American Literature (Vol. 2, 2nd ed.). The novel
will be Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner.
200 D (Reading Literature) W
Daily 2:30
This course will introduce you to reading literature at the college level
via poetry, short stories, and a novel. It is my hope that you will walk out
of this class at the end of these ten weeks having achieved both a broad-based
survey of literature, as well as a higher comfort level when you approach
any new piece of literature. The primary goal of this class is to learn how
to read language figuratively, rather than merely at face value; to develop
techniques for exploring the peculiar characteristics of literary language.
Assignments: (1) An in-class midterm, a take-home midterm, an in-class
final; (2) one short (under a page) response paper per week; and (3) a short
reflective essay on your progress (2-3 pages). Texts: Lauter, ed.,
Heath Anthology of American Literature, Vol. 2; Pynchon, The Crying
of Lot 49.
200 U (Reading Literature) W
MW 7-8:50 pm
An introduction to reading and writing about literature at the college level.
The course is not designed as an introduction to the English major, though
prospective majors might find it rewarding. Its aim, first by a careful reading
of poems, short stories, and a novel, and then by careful consideration of
what students write about these works, is to make everyone aware not just
of the complexity of the works, but also of how much fun and sense of growth
can accompany that awareness. Not as much reading, but considerably more
than is usual in courses like this one. Those taking the course need not
worry much about whether they have the "background" or the "writing skills" for
it; what' smost needed is a willingness to work hard and without fear. Texts: Madden, ed., A Pocketful of Poems; Johnson, The Sorcerer's
Apprentice; Mukherjee, The Middleman and Other Stories; Morrison,
210 A (Literature of the Ancient World)
Daily 10:30
Readings in ancient Western literature, in translation, of (usually) entire
works rather than short snippets, from Gilgamesh to St. Augustine: epics (Homer,
Virgil), tragedies (Sophocles, Aeschylus), biblical narratives and poetry
(Genesis, Job, Mark), lyric poetry (Sappho, Catullus), etc. Expect
substantial reading assignments out of class, daily discussions, a fair amount
of in-class writing, and two exams. Some talk about how works, characters,
and ideas reappear in literature in English, but most of our emphasis will
be on close reading and discussion of ancient works. Texts: Mack, et
al., Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, 6th ed.; Euripides, The
211 A (Medieval and Renaissance Literature)
Lecture: MW 8:30; quizzes: TTh 8:30 or TTh 9:30
Representative texts of Western literature in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,
requiring serious consideration of ideas very different from our own. Lecture
twice a week and quiz sections twice a week. Text: Wilkie/Hurt, Literature
of the Western World, Vol. 1 (fourth edition).
212 A (Literature of Enlightenment and Revolution)
Daily 11:30
We are still dealing with the political consequences of the 18th century-England's
union with Scotland and colonization of Ireland, the revolutions in America
and France. What is less well known is that we are dealing with the literary
consequences of this eventful century as well. 1700-1800 saw the decline
of the heroic couplet and the rise of the novel, the Age of Reason turned
into the Age of Sensibility. As we read a wide variety of works from the
period, we will work inductively, looking deeply at our texts to see what
they can tell us about this changeful and fascinating century. This course
will involve heavy reading and writing-two exams and two formal papers. Texts:
Stanley Applebaum, ed., English Romantic Poetry: An Anthology;
Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary and the Wrongs of Women; William Godwin,
Caleb Williams; Samuel Johnson, Rasselas; Alexander Pope, Essay
on Man and Other Poems; Samuel Richardson, Pamela; photocopied
course packet..
213 A (Modern and Postmodern Literature)
MW 12:30 (lecture)
Quizzes: MW 1:30 or TTh 12:30 or TTh 1:30
Twentieth-century American dreams and nightmares are the subject of this
course: short stories, novels, poetry, film, and political speeches are the
texts. Three basic questions will guide our reading of each dream work: (1)
What is the vision and how is it expressed? (2) Under what socio-historical
conditions is the dream produced and how might they shape its composition?
(3) What are the dream work's real life consequences and for whom? (A critical
essay, mid-term, and final are required writing assignments.) Texts:
Doctorow, Ragtime; Marshall, Brown Girl, Brownstone; Fitzgerald,
The Great Gatsby; Kenon, Visitation of Spirits; Hurston, Their
Eyes Were Watching God; Kerouac, On the Road.
225 A (Shakespeare) W
TTh 1:30-3:20
Shakespearean Tyrannies. In this course, we will examine a number
of Shakespeare's plays through the issue of tyranny: romantic, sexual, cultural,
and political. In our inquiry regarding Shakespeare's treatment of tyranny
we will ask questions about the subtleties required of playwrights writing
under governmental censorship. What are limits to which Shakespeare could
interrogate absolute monarchies, gender and class hierarchies, and race relations?
What are the ideological limits of such interrogation? We will view several
contemporary films of his plays on video. There will be pop quizzes, written
responses, two papers, a midterm, and a final. Texts: Shakespeare,
The Winter's Tale; Romeo and Juliet; Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About Nothing;
Antony and Cleopatra; Kin Lear; Macbeth; Othello; McDonald, The Bedford
Companion to Shakespeare.
228 A (English Literary Culture: to 1600)
Daily 8:30
This course will provide a lively and wide-ranging introduction to the literature
of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, an introduction that will endeavor to
place texts remote from our modern era in their social and historical contexts.
For this iteration of the course, an emphasis will be placed on the fictional "universe" of
the women and men of Arthur's court. Students will read and discuss important
works of prose and poetry of the early Middle Ages and the
Middle English periods, including works by the ancient British author Gildas,
the Arthurian legends of Geoffrey of Monmouth and Lawman; the works of Thomas
Malory; as well as a selection of non-canonical items, including some neglected,
pre-Malory treatments of the legend of King Arthur. There will be a midterm,
final, and major term paper. Sophomores only, Registration Period I.
Texts: John Morris, Age of Arthur; Rosamund Allen, tr., Lawman:
Brut; Lewis Thorpe, tr., Geoffrey of Monmouth: The History of the
Kings of Britain; Helen Cooper, ed., Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur.
229 A (English Literary Culture: 1600-1800)
Daily 10:30
This course will use selected texts to explore different aspects of the
concept "authority," a subject of great concern to the 17th and 18th centuries.
By authority I mean not only (or primarily) political authority, but also
personal, moral, artistic, familial, and/or professional authority, as well
as other kinds. We will be less concerned with the authority of covering
the "major works" of the period than with that of investigating a broad cross-section
of readings. We will read Paradise Lost, Evelina, and possibly
Oroonoko, private letters, the preface to the first English dictionary,
some poetry, and a little political philosophy. Requirements include regular
attendance and participation, a commitment to the reading load, one or two
short papers, and a longer final paper. Texts: Robert DeMaria, ed.,
British Literature, 1640-1789; Frances Burney, Evelina.
230 A (English Literary Cultur: after 1800)
Daily 12:30
The course is divided (unevenly) between the Romantics (about 40%) and the
Victorians (about 60%). Readings from the Romantics (mainly Wordsworth and
Coleridge) will stress ideas about poetry, nature, and the imagination. Selections
from the Victorians (mainly Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Arnold, Tennyson) will
range beyond aesthetic questions to ethical, philosophical, and socio-political
ones. No novels will be assigned. Written work consists of midterm and final
examinations and a critical essay. Text: Abrams, et al., eds., Norton
Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2.
242 A (Reading Fiction) W
Daily 8:30
Tales of the Dark Side. An introduction to literary language and
critical interpretation. Using major short works of 19th- and 20th-century
British and Continental fiction, this course will explore the "dark side"
of both human nature and our so-called "modern" culture. Lots of reading/discussion,
weekly short paper (1-2 pages) and final term essay (5-8 pages). Texts:
Shelley, Frankenstein; Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland;
de Maupassant, The Horla; Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde; Conrad, Heart of Darkness; Kafka, Metamorphosis;
Dostoyevsky, The Double.
242 B (Reading Fiction) W
Daily 9:30
This course is focused around the theme "Constructing the Individual." We
will read and write about texts that explore the ways in which the formation
of individuality (identity, self) is shaped by some of the major cultural
issues that influence both private and public life. We will examine nineteenth-
and twentieth-century texts in an effort to consider some of the similarities
and differences in the ways that these issues are addressed and represented
in the popular fiction of these historical periods. At the same time that
we explore the ways that fictional characters confront these issues, we
will think about the ways in which fiction writers address these issues through
our careful examination of both text and genre construction. In other words,
we will consider what the text does, what fiction does, and even what we
as readers. Texts: Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol; Allison,
Bastard Out of Carolina; Naylor, The Women of Brewster Place;
Baldwin, "Sonny's Blues"; Brontë, Villette.
242 C (Reading Fiction) W
Daily 1:30
Wandering around in American Literature. In this course, we will
read twentieth-century U.S. writers who use the trope of wandering or motion
to address and express some other kinds of dislocation. Sometimes that's
a class dislocation, sometimes racial, sometimes psychological, sometimes
sexual. Texts: Ellison, Invisible Man; Faulkner, As I Lay
Dying; Kerouac, On the Road; Larsen, Quicksand and Passing;
Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God; Stein, Three Lives; Tillman,
Motion Sickness; Rechy, Cry of Night.
242 U (Reading Fiction) W
TTh 7-8:50 pm
Introduction to fiction. This course will study the contemporary novel as
a site for discussions about current American culture. Texts: Russell
Banks, Rule of the Bone; Paul Beatty, The White Boy Shuffle;
Jessica Hagedorn, Dogeaters; James W. Johnson, Autobiography of
an Ex-Colored Man; Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49.
243 A (Reading Poetry)
MW 9:30-11:20
This course will introduce students to the basic elements of reading poetry
with insight and perception, and writing about poetry with precision and
clarity. We will focus on poetry written in English in the 19th and
20th centuries, attending most closely to poems by Emily Dickinson and Langston
Hughes. Texts:
Michael Meyer, Poetry: An Introduction, 2nd ed.; Diana Hacker, The
Bedford Handbook, 5th ed.
250 A (Introduction to American Literature)
Daily 9:30
Introduction to American literature and culture--its changing character,
its diversity, its dynamism, its negative and positive sides. Our focus will
be on a wide range of issues, including the meaning of the American Revolution
and the colonial past, American territorial expansion, racism, immigration,
friction between the classes, women's rights, varieties of religious experience,
the ideology of the "American Dream," the struggle for national union, and
the counter-force of particular ethnic and regional loyalties. We'll explore
the way American authors have forged powerful art forms to intensify and
our awareness of such issues. Texts: Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Portable
Hawthorne; Frederick Douglass, The Narrative and Selected Writings;
Margaret Fuller, The Essential Margaret Fuller; Emily Dickinson, Final
Harvest: Emily Dickinson's Poems; Rebecca Harding Davis, Life in the
Iron Mills and Other Stories; Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn; F Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby; Ralph Ellison,
Invisible Man.
281 A (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 8:30
Q: What do the following things have in common: Genes, numbers,
dreams, noises, sentences, frequencies, land, human beings, melodies, ideas,
rights, faces, and names? A: All have been treated as "property"
at one time or another. In this class, we'll look at the idea of "property"
from a variety of perspectives-historical, cross-cultural, legal, and bio-ethical
especially. We'll examine changing attitudes toward land ownership over the
past few hundred years, and look at how people can treat abstract or intangible
phenomena, such as songs, rights, or radio frequencies, as property. Along
the way we'll touch on some unusual recent developments, like the patenting
of human genes and of numbers, or Harley-Davidson's efforts to trademark the
sound of its motorcycles. Throughout, we'll be trying to answer the big question,
"What is 'property'?" This will propose research in one or more different
fields, which in turn will become the basis for a final paper. The course
is designed to develop skills in academic (argumentative) writing, in particular
forming complex descriptive claims, marshalling evidence, addressing counter-arguments,
and organizing an argument for maximum effect. Two different citation formats
(MLA and APA) are covered. Two essays, one research paper, various short
writing assignments. Text: photocopied course packet. (No freshmen,
Registration Period 1.)
281 B (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 8:30
Literature and Medicine. This course explores the literary side of
medical science, examining how texts represent illness and (sometimes) its
cure. The four topics we will study in sequence are: Illness as Social Metaphor;
Illness and Gender Politics; Representing Mental Illness; and Diagnosing the
Patient. Students will write a number of short critical essays, as well as
a case study of a real or fictional patient. Texts: Susan Sontag, Illness
as Metaphor and AIDS and its Metaphors; Richard Selzer, Letters to
a Young Doctor; Albert Camus, The Plague; photocopied course packet
(No freshmen, Registration Period 1.)
281 C (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 9:30
[Writing papers communicating information and opinion to develop accurate,
competent and effective expression.] No texts.(No freshmen, Registration
Period 1.)
281 D (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 10:30
In this writing course, we'll work on developing complex and interesting
arguments that are focused, coherent and persuasive, and on revising and
editing your work to achieve greater depth and clarity of ideas. For our
course theme, we'll investigate cultural ideas about nature: how social factors
such as gender, class, and cultural background affect what we mean by "nature," how
we draw the line between nature and culture, and how different writing and
reading strategies suggest different ways of imagining, interacting with,
or participating in the nonhuman world. Course texts will include articles
and films from various scientific, cultural and environmental perspectives.
Writing projects will ask you to develop a critical dialogue between the assigned
texts, research materials, and your own assumptions about nature. Several
short essays and two longer essays will be required, including library and
other research, in-class discussion of your drafts, and substantial revision. Text: photocopied course packet. (No freshmen, Registration Period
281 E (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 11:30
The Rhetoric of Life Writing. This course is designed as an intermediate-level
expository writing class, where the emphasis is on student writing. You will
do a great deal of writing in this course. Toward that end, we will be studying
a variety of autobiographic prose that details the lives of individuals, some
famous and phenomenal, and some relatively unknown before they choose to
set their lives down in print. The memoir is gaining a great deal of popularity
in contemporary society, for possibly very different reasons that the popularity
of the autobiography in years past. We will explore the important social and
political reasons behind those differences as we analyze the rhetoric of
life writing. Texts: Kathryn Harrison, The Kiss; bell hooks,
Bone Black; Connors Lunsford, The Everyday Writer. (No freshmen,
Registration Period 1.)
281 F (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 12:30
This course aims to offer students ways of defining, discussing, and writing
about the complex relationship between our personal experiences and the institutions
we inhabit. We will use as our test case the university, and we will take
the question, "What goes on at UW?" as the jumping-off point for a series
of writing projects that vary from the personal to a more analytical paper
about the role of the university in contemporary society, from collaborative
research to a final position paper. Readings will come from a course packet,
which will be made available, and from the students' own research projects. Text: Photocopied course packet. (No freshmen, Registration Period
281 G (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 12:30
L. Fisher
A Family Affair: Race and Nation in America. English 281 is designed
to develop and extend skills in critical reading, thinking, and writing acquired
in first year composition courses. This section of 281 will focus on the
literary and cultural texts have imagined America as founded on a concept
of "family." We will start out by looking at the way American society is figured
in the nineteenth century in terms of racial or familial descent. In popular
novels, debates going on in the social sciences, political tracts and legal
documents, writers were working to define the "nature" of the American political
Union and the characteristics of a "real" American in an era of rapid immigration
and changing social roles. We will carry this discussion of the American
Family into the present day as well, looking at more contemporary texts (again
from a variety of fields) in light of the nineteenth-century material, examining
what we as a nation have inherited from earlier notions of the American Family.
Students will write frequent short papers in response to readings, in addition
to three longer analytical papers, the last being an independent research
project. Texts: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin; Edith
Wharton, The House of Mirth; photocopied course packet. (No freshmen,
Registration Period 1.)
281 H (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 1:30
News media occupy something of a paradoxical position in this country. Although
it's difficult to find anyone who has a good word for "the media," the fact
reminas that we get almost all of our news from print and broadcast journalists.
Additionally, the sources that most widely report on our dissatisfaction
with news media are the media themselves. In this class we'll be viewing
recent and ongoing events to discuss a number of questions: What exactly
is a news medium? How do media represent and shape our conceptions of the
world? Are all media "biased?" How can we analyze the news in a way
that moves beyond simple distrust? Text: Neil Postman, How to Watch
TV News. (No freshmen, Registration Period 1.)
281I (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MW 9:30-11:20
Writing Hyper-Text. This is a class in writing hypertext in HTML
for posting on the Web. Our interest ranges over four uses of this new medium:
for self- and artistic expression; for finding and exchanging information;
for advocating positions and debating public issues; for providing instruction.
We will have less to say and do with HTML on the Net as a means of advertising
and marketing, public relations or recreation. Some sessions will be taught
in a computer lab, and we will do a quick "homepage" course if you don't have
one yet ("new-weber" and all that) and cover topics including: markup languages
(LaTEx, SOML, HTML); DTDs and validation; types of hypertext structures; shaping
navigation; style guides and principles of "good HTML"; net search tools;
monitoring traffic; inclusion of images and sound (multimedia) (copyright!).
In addition to spiffing up your home page, we will work on group projects
to create archive sites of general interest and on individual projects as
well. You will be able to work from home (via a modem) or another computer
lab outside of class (and you will probably want to and need to). See
for an indication of how this course went in Summer 1997. (Course added
after Time Schedule printed; sln: 7792.) Text: Musciano and Kennedy,
HTML: The Definitive Guide. (No freshmen, Registration Period 1.)
281 U (Intermediate Expository Writing)
TTh 7-8:50 pm
This is a writing course in which we will examine matters of "voice" and
"style." Through discussion, reading, and of course writing, you will be encouraged
to develop your own sense of style. Though writing is the focus, we must
have something to write about, and we will be exploring the visual media
of painting and film. Text: photocopied course packet. (No freshmen,
Registration Period 1.)
283 A (Beginning Verse Writing)
MW 9:30-10:50
Everyone can write poetry. Whether or not you've written poetry before,
this class introduces a variety of timeless tools and strategies to help
get poems started, drafted and revised. The course also includes a heavy
does of "poetry appreciation." This class is intensive, but it will not be
lonely work: this quarter I hope we will enjoy reading and writing as energetic
and communal-as well as solitary endeavors. Sophomores and above only,
Registration Period 1. Texts: Korvit, In the Palm of Your Hand:
The Poet's Portable Workshop; photocopied course packet
283 B (Beginning Verse Writing)
TTh 11:30-12:50
[Intensive study of ways and means of making a poem.] No texts. (Sophomores
and above only, Registration Period 1.)
284 A (Beginning Short Story Writing)
MW 11:30-12:50
Introduction to the craft of writing short fiction. Majors only, Registration
Period 1. Text: photocopied course packet.
284 B (Beginning Short Story Writing)
TTh 10:30-11:50
Introduction to the theory and practice of writing the short story. Class
time will be divided equally between workshops of student work and exercises
designed to sharpen writing technique in five areas crucial to short fiction:
character, voice, plot, idea, and image. (English majors only, Registration
Period 1.) Text: photocopied course packet.