Course Descriptions (as of March 2, 1999)
The following course descriptions have been written by individual instructors
to provide more detailed information on specific sections than that found
in the General Catalog. When individual descriptions are not
available, the General Catalog descriptions [in brackets] are used.
(Although we try
to have
as accurate and complete information as possible, this schedule remains
subject to change.)
To Spring 300-level courses
To Spring 400-level courses
To 1998-99 Senior Seminars
200A (Reading Literature)
TTh 12:30-2:20
This course is designed to further your abilities as a reader and writer
through a close and (hopefully) rewarding examination of a range of literary
We will discuss the very idea of what constitutes “literature” and
why it may matter to both you and the world. Requirements include
careful and dedicated reading, quizzes, a group project, an exam, and short
Texts: Bain, et al., eds., The Norton Introduction to Literature
(shorter, 7th ed.); Charles Dickens, Great Expectations; Art Spiegelman,
Maus I.
200 B (Reading Literature)
Dy 9:30
Techniques and practice in reading and enjoying literature. Examines
some of the best works in English and American literature and considers such
features of literary meaning as imagery, characterization, narrative, and
patterning in sound and sense. Emphasis on literature as a source of
pleasure and knowledge about human experience. Texts: Michale Ondaatje,
The English Patient; Laurie King, The Beekeeper’s Apprentice;
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird; Ann Charters, ed., The Story
and Its Writer.
200 C (Reading Literature)
Dy 10:30 (W)
–cancelled after Time Schedule printed--
200 D (Reading Literature)
Dy 11:30
Gothic and Apocalyptic Fictions. This course offer an introduction
to the interpretation and analysis of literary texts. Over the course
of the quarter, you will concentrate on developing your close-reading and
analytical skills, learn how to construct persuasive arguments, and write
clear, insightful papers. We will begin by reading several poems and
consider the relation of form and style to thematic content. We will
then spend the remainder of the course discussing one novella, Henry James’
The Turn of the Screw, and two novels, Bram Stoker’s Dracula and
Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange. Continuing to interrogate
questions of style, we will also read these texts as apocalyptic, gothic fictions—texts
that rely on what Judith Halberstam has called the “technologies of monstrosity”
to grapple with the national, domestic “horrors” of modern society.
Requirements: 2-3 short papers (2-3 pages) and 2 longer papers (4-6
pages), one oral report, and contributions to class discussion. Texts:
Madden, ed., A Pocketful of Poems; Burgess, A Clockwork Orange;
James, The Turn of the Screw; Stoker, Dracula.
200 E (Reading Literature)
Dy 12:30
G. Dean
Literary Time. In this course we will read poems, short stories
and novels that, in at least one of two ways, involve time: the texts we
examine will either make use of musical time--rhythm and other patterned
elements of sound, or they will invoke historical time--through their setting
in a particular historical peiord, or by describing a historial period. Through
this lens of time, we will learn some ways to approach, interpret and analyze
literary texts. Sophomores only, Registration Period
1. Texts: Lunsford/Connors, Easy Writer; Ferguson, et al.,
Norton Anthology of Poetry, Shorter 4th ed.; Doctorow, Ragtime;
Morrison, The Bluest Eye.
200 U (Reading Literature)
TTh 7-8:50 pm (W)
–cancelled after Time Schedule printed--
200 V (Reading Literature)
MW 7-8:50 pm
(W; sln: 7919)
Our concerns will be rather straightforward: we’ll read and discuss
selected poetry, short stories, and a novel, keeping an eye out and an ear
open to the way sin which various writers make reading a pleasurable experience.
Rather than focus on what a poem or story might mean, we’ll take a cue from
John Ciardi and focus on how a poem (for instance) means. Close readings
will generate discussions about hat literary devices and conventions are
(ab)used and how they help make the meanings, and the pleasure, we take.
However, since neither writers nor readers are immune to the visible and
invisible forces of our culture(s), we’ll necessarily post the other eye
and ear at the gate between text and context for dispatches from the cultural
fronts. Requirements: participation; several 1-2 page papers (some
in-class) and two longer papers. (Added after Time Schedule printed; sln:
7919) Texts: Hunter, ed., Norton Introduction to Poetry;
Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars; photocopied short story packet.
210 A (Literature of the Ancient World)
Dy 12:30
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211 A ( Medieval & Renaissance Literature)
Dy 8:30
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211 B (Medieval & Renaissance Literature)
TTh 10:30-12:20
Introduction to literature from a broadly cultural point of view, focusing
on major works that have shaped the development of literary and intellectual
traditions from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century.
212 A (Literature of Enlightenment & Revolution)
Dy 11:30
This introductory course will examine literature of the 18th – early 19th
centuries. Writers of this time took on “big” questions: what is the
nature of God? Can humans know and understand the world? What
is the best way to organize society? What should our relationship with
nature be? What is the role of imagination? Reason? Education?
Feeling? Love? Their answers to these questions continue to influence
the way we think. Course requirements include: take-home midterm, in-class
midterm, group project, 4-6 pp. essay, various short writing assignments,
active class participation. Expect some lecture (on historical background
and other contexts), more discussion, demanding (but rewarding) reading. Texts: Alexander Pope, Essay on Man and Other Poems; David
Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion; Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s
Travels; Voltaire, Candide; Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther;
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; William Blake, Songs of Innocence and
of Experience; Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility.
213 A (Modern & Postmodern Literature)
MW 10:30-12:20
Whose Text Is It Anyway? One of the hallmarks of both modernism
and postmodernism is a fundamental questioning of the notion of artistic
originality. From collage in the visual arts, to the use of quotation,
allusion, borrowing in poetry and fiction, to the use of digital sampling
in hip-hop and electronics, the twentieth century has been characterized
by a complex intertextuality. We’ll be examining some of the ways
intertextuality has functioned in poetry, fiction, and (to a lesser extent)
music. Texts: Andre Breton and Philippe Soupault, The Magnetiic
Fields; Marianne Moore, Collected Poems; Jack Spicer, Collected
Books; Araki Yasusada, Doubled Flowering; Umberto Eco, Foucault’s
Pendulum; photocopied course packet.
213 B (Modern & Postmodern Literature)
Dy 1:30
What happens when you define yourself by the land you inhabit—and that landscape
begins to change? In this course, we’ll investigate how twentieth-century
American writers use literary form to make sense (or not) of the changing
landscapes of (post-)modernity. We’ll focus on how modern and postmodern
texts register and respond to social and environmental change, and how class,
gender, race, and notions of the past intersect with the different landscapes
we encounter in the fiction and poetry we read. Course requirements
will include four short response papers, a midterm exam and a final essay.
Sophomores only, Registration Period 1. Texts: F. Scott Fitzgerald,
The Great Gatsby; Willa Cather, The Professor’s House; Nella Larsen, Quicksand; William Faulkner, Go Down, Moses; Thomas Pynchon,
The Crying of Lot 49; photocopied course packet.
225 A (Shakespeare)
Dy 12:30
C. Fischer
This course is designed as an introduction to the formal elements—language,
poetry, rhetoric—of Shakespeare’s plays. But we will also take a more
thematic tack and examine the role of the scapegoat in the comedies, histories,
and tragedies. The starting premise for the course will be that the
lover, the hero/king, the depressed person, the evil brother, and the murderer
all function to channel communal aggression, and as such, Shakespeare uses
this age old convention to reconcile the competing claims of laughter, ideology,
and ritual renewal. Texts: Shakespeare, Hamlet; Macbeth; Richard
III; Henry V; Much Ado About Nothing; A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
228 A (English Literary Culture: to 1600)
MW 8:30-10:20
This course is designed to introduce students to selected texts and issues
in English literature from Anglo-Saxon poetry through Shakespeare’s A Midsummer
Night’s Dream. It will also introduce students to skills necessary
to research and writing about literary texts. We will use a variety
of approaches, including films, audio tapes, lectures, full class and small
group discussion, library and web-based research training, viewing medieval
manuscripts and facsimiles, and essay and exam writing. Texts: Hamer,
ed., A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse; Winny, ed & tr., Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight; Wilson, ed., Medieval Women Writers;
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales (Hieatt & Hieatt, eds.); Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (ed. Foakes).
228 B (English Literary Culture: to 1600)
Dy 1:30
This course will be less a survey than a sampling of the earliest English
literature—we will not march relentlessly from Chaucer to Shakespeare,
will instead spend time on a smaller number of works from this period, including
selections from The Canterbury Tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,
lyric poetry by Sidney, Shakespeare, Wyatt, among others, and selections
from Spenser’s Faerie Queene. There will be a considerable emphasis
on writing—weekly response papers, two critical papers over the course
the quarter, as well as a mid-term and a final. Text: Abrams, et al.,
eds., Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1.
229 A (English Literary Culture: 1600-1800)
Dy 11:30
J. Fisher
This course surveys English literature from 1600-1800. The poetry, plays,
and fiction that we will be reading all reflect some of the political and
ideological struggles of the times. Therefore, we will pay especially
close attention to issues of gender, social class, religion, sexuality, colonialism,
and race as they are dealt with in these books and within the context of
English history. Because of the vast quantity of literature printed
during these two hundred years, we will only be able to read a small representation.
However, the range of texts selected should provide a useful introduction
to the periods under consideration. Texts: Abrams, et al., The
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1; Daniel Defoe, Robinson
229 B (English Literary Culture: 1600-1800)
Dy 12:30
In this course we will survey representative anthologized texts from the
close of the Renaissance to the beginning of the Romantic era (1600 to 18000).
The writers we will study include, but are not limited to: Lady Mary Wroth,
John Donne, Ben Jonson, Aphra Behn, Robert Herrick, George Herbert, Andrew
Marvell, John Milton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, John Dryden, Jonathan Swift,
Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson and Thomas Gray. Our foremost course
goal is to gain a critical understanding of the texts in question through
close reading as we also discover ways to experience personally the aesthetic
pleasure of both content and form without losing sight of the literature’s
valuable historicity. Sophomores only, Registration Period 1. Text:
Abrams, et al., Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1.
230 A (English Literary Culture: after 1800)
Dy 8:30
This course is an introductory survey of English literature of the Romantic
and Victorian periods. Special emphasis will be placed on such issues
as the relationship between the individual and society, identity construction,
and the woman question. We will also explore the larger issue of periodization
by questioning the readily accepted division between the Romantic and the
Victorian periods. Requirements include one or two short critical
essays, a midterm, and a final. Texts: Abrams, et al., eds., The
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2; George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss.
230 B (English Literary Culture: after 1800)
Dy 10:30
In this course we will follow English literature through some of the most
astounding historical and cultural changes that England has ever experienced. Our
project this quarter will be two-fold: first, we will examine the literature
we read in light of its cultural and historical contexts, examining both how
culture determines literature and how literature affects culture; second,
we will read these texts in order to appreciate them as works of art, as beautiful
creations with much to offer us in terms of personal enjoyment and much to
tell us about the human condition. Texts: Abrams, et al., Norton
Anthology of American Literature, Vol. 2; Charlotte Brontë, Jane
242 A (Reading Fiction)
Dy 8:30 (W)
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242 B (Reading Fiction)
Dy 9:30
L. Fisher
This is a course aimed at developing students’ analytical reading and writing
abilities. You will be reading and discussing fiction in class, looking
at related literary criticism and historical works, and writing about what
you read both formally and informally. In this section we will be looking
specifically at American political and reform literature, working together
to figure out what is different about literature that has been characterized
as overtly political and how literature has been used for the purposes of
political critique and persuasion. Throughout the quarter we will be
examining stories and novels for their political content, asking how our
political positionings are shaped by and shape our reading. We’ll be
concerned with how individuals and “types” are depicted in the texts we read,
and how those characterizations transform or mirror the “real” world,
or reinforcing the social order being represented. Texts: Lydia Maria
Child, Hobomok; Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Charlotte
Perkins Gilman, Herland; Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man; E. L.
Doctorow, The Book of Daniel; recommended: Diana Hacker,
A Writer’s Reference (3rd ed.).
242 C (Reading Fiction)
Dy 11:30
In this class our primary goal will be to strengthen your skills as attentive
and sensitive readers of difficult fiction. To focus our readings thematically,
we’ll explore these novelists’ representations of the impediments and opportunities
the twentieth century provides for women’s “becoming.” And while looking
closely at these novelists’ varied and distinct representational strategies,
we’ll also reflect upon how these novels structure our “becoming” as
readers. Texts: Henry James, Daisy Miller; Portrait of a Lady;
Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth; Gertrude Stein, Three Lives;
Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God; Christa Wolf, Inquest
of Christa T.; The Author’s Dimension.
242 D (Reading Fiction)
Dy 1:30
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick tells us that “homosocial” is a term “occasionally used
in history and the social sciences, where it describes social bonds between
person of the same sex” (emphasis mine). In this course, we will be
reading novels written during the early years of the twentieth century that
explore same-sex relationship for both their “social” and “sexual” implications.
We will consider ways in which these texts might attempt to collapse the
social/sexual into the sexual/social while simultaneously striving to distinguish
between what is social and “acceptable and what is sexual and “unspeakable.” We
will discuss the writing requirements for the course as a group, but do be prepared
for assignments that may include weekly response papers, term
papers, and a midterm (take-home and/or in-class) examination. Texts:
Forster, Maurice; Larsen, Passing; Lawrence, Women in Love;
Stein, Fernhurst, Q.E.D.; Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men; Woolf,
Mrs. Dalloway.
242 U (Reading Fiction)
MW 7-8:50 pm
Critical interpretation and meaning in fiction. Different examples of
fiction, representing a variety of types from the medieval to modern periods. Text: Charters, The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short
243 A (Reading Poetry)
Dy 10:30
(W; sln: 7942)
In this course we will practice both the attentive reading of poems and the
art of writing about poems with precision and elegance. The course
is organized around a selection of readings in American poetry, from Walt
Whitman up through contemporary poets who are at work today, so we will also
read a few essays by American poets addressing issues of the poetic art which
may be particular to this soil. (Added after Time Schedule printed; sln:
7942) Texts: T. S. Eliot, Selected Poems; W. C. Williams,
Selected Poems; Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass and Selected Poems;
Emily Dickinson, Selected Poems.
250 A (Introduction to American Literature)
TTh 8:30-10:20
American Utopias and Distopias. America has always been as much
an idea as a real place, and American literature has been deeply and ambivalently
involved in representing and critiquing these ideas. This course will
look at the utopian strain of American literature as a way understanding
some of its main issues, topics, and problems. While this is an introduction
to American literature, I also want it to be, to some extent, an introduction
to reading literature in general. Requirements will include short in-class
writing assignments, participation, and longer essays. Texts: Thomas
Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49; Susanna Rowson, Charlotte Temple;
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance; Edward Bellamy, Looking
Backward; Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life; Charlotte
Perkins Gilman, Herland; F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby.
250 B (Introduction to American Literature)
TTh 12:30-2:20
Survey of the major writers, modes and themes in American literature, from
the beginnings to the present. Specific readings vary, but often included
are: Taylor, Edwards, Franklin, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau,
Whitman, Dickinson, Twain, James, Eliot, Stevens, O’Neill, Faulkner, Hemingway,
Ellison, and Bellow. Texts: Charters, The Story and Its Writer;
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye.
281 A (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 8:30
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281 B (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 8:30
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281 C (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 9:30
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281 D (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 10:30
[Writing papers communicating information and opinion to develop accurate,
competent, and effective expression.] Texts: Dorothy Allison, Bastard
Out of Carolina; Diane Hacker, A Writer's Reference.
281 E (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 11:30
This course aids students in honing their critical reading and writing skills,
with an emphasis upon the argumentative essay form. As such, students
are expected to have a basic familiarity with the fundamentals of argumentative
essay writing upon entrance. The topic for this section will be “Contemporary
American Victims.” We will examine the construction of the “victim”
within a contemporary American socio-historical context. We will examine
narratives of victimhood in the construction of such figures as JonBenet
Ramsey, Christopher Reeve, Mary Kay LeTourneau and others in visual and textual
popular media. Two major questions we will consider are: In what ways
are these victimhood narratives informed by/informing “traditional” narratives
of American identity? How do specificities of time, geographic place,
gender, race, class, sexuality, etc., shape these narratives, and to what
degree? Texts: Lunsford & Connors, The Everyday Writer;
photocopied course packet.
281 F (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 12:30
American Autobiography: Telling the Story of Self and Nation.
What is an American autobiography? What is the relationship between
self/author and self/citizen? How do language, sexuality, race and nationhood
interact and at times collude in autobiographical works? We will examine
both the methodological strategies and theoretical concerns of four authors:
Malcolm X, Kate Simon, Richard Rodgriguez, and Eve Hoffman. Weekly
response papers will be required. Final project will consist of a 10-page
autobiography and a 10-page analysis that brings in the assigned texts and
outside research. Texts: Rodriguez, Hunger of Memory: The
Education of Richard Rodriguez; Simon, Bronx Primitive; Hoffman,
Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language; Malcolm X (w. Alex
Haley), Autobiography of Malcolm X
281 G (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 1:30
This course will explore the discursive means by which science defines itself
and its role in larger, “non-scientific” culture. Potential points
of exploration include: the generation of scientific facts in the laboratory
setting; the ways in which scientific structures for organizing and discussing
knowledge are manifest in “non-scientific” thought; the concept of “paradigm
shift” or “scientific revolution”; and the relations between “hard” and “soft”
scientific thought. Text: Photocopied course packet.
281 H (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MWF 1:30
--cancelled after Time Schedule printed—
281 I (Intermediate Expository Writing)
TTh 10:30-12:20
(sln: 7925)
This is a class designed for the intermediate composition writer. We'll
be exploring the art of the essay through lots of reading and writing.
This section particularly focuses on the author's stake in her writing.
We will read Williams' Alchemy of Race and Rights as well as reference
the user-friendly Rhetorical Grammar by Kolln. (Added after Time
Schedule printed; sln: 7925)
281 U (Intermediate Expository Writing)
MW 7-8:20 pm
This course will help you practice and further develop the argumentative writing
skills you have mastered in lower-level writing courses. In this section,
we will focus our reading, writing, and discussion on one of the fundamental
organizing models of social interaction: the (Western family. We will
draw on visual and written texts from various fields in order to investigate
the family in several, interconnected spheres: in individual psychological
development, in the national order, and in the history of international politics.
The question we will repeatedly ask is: to what extent is the family a useful,
or else, oppressive, model of explaining and controlling human relations.
Assignments will include a series of argumentative essays. Texts:
The Brief Holt Handbook; photocopied course packet.
283 A (Beginning Verse Writing)
MW 9:30-10:50
This course will study the use of image, sound, and form in the composition
of poetry. Sophomores and above only, Registration Period 1. Text:
McClatchy, ed., Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry.
283 B (Beginning Verse Writing)
TTh 11:30-12:50
Intensive study of the ways and means of making a poem. Sophomores
and above only, Registration Period 1. Text: McCarthy, Vintage
Book of Contemporary American Poetry.
284 A (Beginning Short Story Writing)
MW 11:30-12:50
A. Nelson
[Introduction to the theory and practice of writing the short story.] Text:
Shapiro and Thomas, eds., Sudden Fiction Continued. English
majors only, Registration Period 1.
284 B (Beginning Short Story Writing)
TTh 10:30-11:50
Introduction to the theory and practice of writing the short story. English
majors only, Registration Period 1. Text: Kercheval, Building