(Descriptions last updated: 10 September 2004)
Course Descriptions
The following course descriptions have
been written by individual instructors
to provide more detailed
information on specific section sthan that found in the General
Catalog. When individual descriptions are not available,
the General Catalog descriptions [in brackets] are used. (Although
we try to have as accurate and complete information as possible,
this schedule remains subject to change.)
Add Codes
All English classes, 300-level and above,
require instructor permission for registration during Registration
Period 3 (beginning the first day of classes). If students have
not registered for a class prior to the first day, they should
attend the first class meetings and/or contact the instructor
to obtain the necessary add codes.
First Week Attendance
Because of heavy demand for many English
classes, students who do not attend all reguarly-scheduled meetings
during the first week of the quarter may be dropped from their
classes by the department. If students are unable to attend at
any point during the first week, they should contact their instructors
ahead of time. The Department requests that instructors make reasonable
accommodations for students with legitimate reasons for being absent; HOWEVER,
phone numbers and e-mail addresses can be obtained by calling the
Main English Office, (206) 543-2690 or the Undergraduate Advising
Office, (206) 543-2634.)
Upper Division (300-level) creative
writing courses
Students who have completed the prerequisites
to 300-level creative writing classes as listed in the Time
Schedule may register via MyUW during Registration Periods 1
and 2 (during Registration Period 3, admission is by instructor
permission only, and any add codes available may be obtained from
the instructors at that time). Students who believe they have met
the prerequisite requirements but are unable to register through MyUW
should contact the Creative Writing office (B-25 PDL) or the English
Advising office (A-2-B Padelford) for further information.
302 A (Critical Practice)
TTh 11:30-1:20
This course provides theoretical basics and practical training in the analysis
of narrative form. The class will study four major novels and learn to apply
key critical concepts associated with the poetics of the novel (story and
plot, reliable and unreliable narrators, modes of narration, framing and
embedding, point of view, modes of consciousness, irony, defamiliarization,
intertextuality). Please note: ENGL 302 is an introduction to advanced literary
analysis. Discussion will proceed not book by book but according to the categories
of narrative poetics, so participants must read all four required novels
and at least one of the recommended books of criticism before the first meeting.
Many short assignments, midterm and final. Texts: required:
Jane Austen,
Emma; Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary; John Fowles, The
French Lieutenant’s
Woman; Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway; recommended: Seymour
Chatman, Story and Discourse; David Lodge, The Art of Fiction;
Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics.
316 A (Literature of Developing Countries)
TTh 11:30-1:20
Literatures of the Caribbean and Caribbean Diaspora. In this discussion-oriented
course we will be exploring the historical, cultural, social, and political
nuances of Caribbean literatures in order to better understand the politics
of colonialism, cultural conflict, displacement and diaspora. We will be reading
novels and short stories, as well as screening films and engaging with literary
and political criticism. The texts we will read and discuss thematize issues
of gender, sexuality, colonial history and imperialism, power relations, and
patriarchy. Students who enroll in this class much be willing to discuss these
issues in class. Texts: George Lamming, In the Castle
of my Skin; Earl Lovelace,
Salt; D. Harris, Web of Secrets; J. Lowe Shinebourne, The
Last English Plantation;
Lakshmi Persaud, For the Love of my Name; S. Brown & J. Wickham, eds.,
Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories.
322 A (English Literature: The Age of Queen Elizabeth)
MW 3:30-5:20
[The golden age of English poetry, with poems by Shakespeare, Spenser, Sidney,
and others; drama by Marlowe and other early rivals to Shakespeare; prose
by Sir Thomas More and the great Elizabethan translators.] Majors only, Registration
Pd. 1. Texts: Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1B; Machiavelli,
The Prince; More, Utopia; Julia Briggs, This Stage Play World.
323A (Shakespeare to 1603)
TTh 10:30-12:20
[Shakespeare’s career as dramatist after 1603. Study of comedies, tragedies,
and romances.] Majors only, Registration Pd. 1.
324 A (Shakespeare after 1603)
MW 12:30-2:20
[Shakespeare’s career as dramatist after 1603. Study of comedies, tragedies,
and romances.] Majors only, Registration Pd. 1. Text: Bevington, ed., Complete
Works of Shakespeare.
324 TS (Shakespeare after 1603)
TTh 4:30-6:20 pm
[Shakespeare’s career as dramatist after 1603. Study of comedies, tragedies,
and romances.] Evening Degree students only, Registration Periods 1 & 2.
325 A (English Literature: The Late Renaissance)
MW 12:30-2:20
A few years before the English Revolution, the poet John Milton published a
startling claim: that the English state and church, overturning their current
practice, should legalize and facilitate divorce. Some of Milton’s
reasoning, for modern readers, comes as equally startling: according to him,
divorce was legitimate because it had been permitted among the ancient Hebrews
in the Old Testament. Did Milton advocate divorce because it was new, then,
or because it was old? The literature of the seventeenth century constantly
provokes us to ask that question on a wider scale, as writers of all kinds
loudly called their readers back to the future, or onward to the past. In
this class we take up their strident invitation, reading widely in lyric
poetry, the epic, the novel, and philosophical and religious prose. While
these primary texts will be our first concern, we will also pay attention
to the great social changes that made seventeenth-century people feel they
faced a world of the radically new; religious conflict, political revolution,
world exploration, and novel scientific theories about nature and humanity.
Conversely, we will explore the seventeenth century’s sources of the
old: in addition to English literary tradition, many writer thought deeply
about the world of the Bible, the classical world of the ancient Greeks and
Romans, and the semi-mythical British past. With these tools in hand, we
will seek to understand the imaginative life of a culture in which writers
worked so ardently to define their own places in history. Readings will include
John Donne, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Lucy Hutchinson, Aphra Behn, the
Earl of Rochester, and John Dryden. Majors only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Rudrum, et al., eds., The
Broadview Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Verse and Prose; Aphra Behn (ed. Todd), Oroonoko, The Rover, and Other Works;
photocopied course packet.
326 A (Milton)
TTh 1:30-3:20
[Milton’s early poems and the prose; Paradies Lost, Paradise Regained,
and Samson Agonistes, with attention to the religious, intellectual, and literary
contexts.] Majors only, Registration Pd. 1.
328 A (English Literature: Later 18th C.)
MW 8:30-10:20
The eighteenth century was known to Europeans as the "Enlightenment" and "Age
of Reason," but before the century was over the self-conception implied
by these terms had already become subject to question, even derision. This course
will focus on some of the literary manifestations of the underside of the Age
of Reason, such as the fascination with terror, the celebration of the primitive,
the cultivation of extreme sensibility, and the expression of morbid self-reflection.
Readings will include a short Gothic fiction, the exemplary Sturm-und-Drang novel,
Edmund Burke on the sublime, and selections from the "Graveyard Poets" and
other poetry. Attention will also be given to late eighteenth-century architecture
(by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux and Étienne-Louis Boullée) and engravings
(by William Hogarth, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, and Francisco de Goya). See
course web
page. Majors
only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Walpole, Castle of
Otranto; Goethe, Sorrows of Young Werther.
330 TS (English Literature: The Romantic Age)
TTh 7-8:50 pm
Just imagine-a world in which you see enormous change, that seems to offer a
new intellectual and political freedom and empowerment, that has finally figured
out both exactly what is wrong and how to rebel against it. All around you things
are in flux. In America the colonists seized their chance to throw out the English;
in Europe the people of France have similarly risen in rebellion and thrown off
the yoke of their aristocrats' oppression as well. Everything, for a while, offers
the heady promise of new beginnings.
What can poets do in a world so new, so dynamic, so changing? What new powers do they feel? What new boundaries will they cross? Whether in the poetically revolutionary work of Wordsworth and Coleridge, or in the far more ironically distanced work of Keats and Byron, these poets test limits, look for new ways of thinking and writing. In this class we'll read these and other major English poets of the romantic age, and we'll look to find where and how their poetry records both their aspirations for a new world order and their disappointments when their hopes are dashed.
As you think about whether to enroll, know that a big part of what we’ll do here is poetry. I know many students haven’t had much experience as readers of poetry – but this stuff really is fun to read, and if you haven’t much experience, it’s a great place to become a reader of poetry. In lots of ways, in fact, much of what our culture thinks poetry is was developed by these poets, and we’ll take this opportunity to think about that as well!
For the Romantic Age in some ways has never ended – we still have movies
and novels and poems that do their best to continue its themes. And that, finally,
will be the other major focus of the course: Where does the Romantic Age still
survive, and what are its new guises? Evening Degree Students only, Rigistration
Periods 1 & 2. Texts: The Norton Anthology of
English Literature, Vol.
2A; Breunig, The Age of Revolution, 3rd ed.; photocopied course packet.
332 TS (English Literature: Romantic Poetry II)
MW 4:30-6:20 pm
[Byron, Shelley, Keats, and their contemporaries.] Evening Degree students
only, Registration Periods 1 & 2.
333 A (English Novel: Early & Middle 19th C.)
TTh 10:30-12:20
Most people who have never read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein – and
many who have – fail to put the correct name on the Monster. Why? Well,
first of all, he hasn’t any name. What a start in life! No name. In traditional
usage that expression – “no name” – would mean that
he is (pick your favorite euphemism) Illegitimate. This, or something very
much like it, is the starting point of many notable careers in 19th-century
fiction where we are obliged to follow the trajectory of numerous orphans and
bastards whose initial grip on personal identity is thin. They hardly can be
said to have names. Dickens’ Great Expectations begins with a boy whose
first and last names collapse into a single syllable – Pip – examining
the names of his all-but-forgotten parents on their tombstone. He is never
called by his father’s family name. Our close reading of four novels
written in the first half of the 19th century will permit us to observe the
making of a modern identity from which we, at the beginning of the 21st century
have not emerged. Who we are and who we are to become depends – or so
the story goes – more on our education than on birth and name. This will,
then, be a study of education, identity, and the English novel. Lecture and
discussion, short essays on each novel with a comprehensive essay at the end
of the quarter. Majors only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Jane Austen, Emma;
May Shelley, Frankenstein; Charlote Brontë,
Jane Eyre; Charles Dickens, Great Expectations; supplementary readings on Electronic
334 A (English Novel: Later 19th C.)
MW 2:30-4:20
Individualism in an Expanding–Systems World. Individualism
is a leading value in Victorian literature and culture. At the same time the
Victorian period
is characterized by large, expanding systems that suggest impersonality and
dwarfing and limiting of individual power. Such a tension is not resolved,
rather it is acute in our own time. We can ring very current 21st-century interests
to critical analysis and literary appreciation of 19th-century fiction. Lewis
Carroll’s Alice is an intrepid adventurer into her own dream realm, yet
finds herself a Pawn in a chess-board world. George Eliot’s characters
seek their wyas in the midst of an all-encompassing many-pointed, always changing
social “web.” The expanding systems of the Victorian age include
expanding democracy and widening of horizons by gender and class, increasingly
mass communications, globalizing capitalism, and empire. In Darwin’s
biological theory Victorians confronted another big-system vision of interlocking
forces shaping whole species and the individuals within them.
Using the section titled “Of Individuality” from J. S. Mill’s famous essay, “On Liberty” as a keynote, the course begins with Carroll’s classic fantasy fiction, Alice Through the Looking-Glass. It proceeds to provide background on capitalist and Darwinian theories (with brief sample readings via in-class handouts), and background on political, economic, and imperial developments. It moves to Anthony Trollope’s charming if rueful realist novel, The Warden, about the impact of a new order of things upon a member of the “old guard.” This is followed by Eliot’s Middlemarch, a great signature work of Victorian realism and example of the “bildungsroman” about young women and men making their ways within a richly detailed social environment of multiple changing systems. This long, comprehensive work provides a centerpiece amongst the rest of the smaller-scale readings in the course. From it we move to fictions of foreign adventure and empire in both realistic and more comic/entertainment and symbolic/experimental/critically probing modes. These are the stores “Youth” by Joseph Conrad and a tale by Rudyard Kipling, "The Man Who Would Be King” (with film clips featuring Sean Connery), and Conrad’s somber while enduringly provocative novella “Heart of Darkness” (with clips from Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now!, influenced by Conrad). We will return at the end for summing up to Alice.
Format: Lecture/Discussion. In-class engagement is expected; standout contribution can weigh in the overall grade. Midterm essay and in-class final (30% each – likely final format is short answers and longer essay. Note you must be available on the UW-designated day-time-of-final.). Course paper (40%, @ 8 pp.). Majors only, Registration Pd. 1.
Texts: Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (incl. Through the Looking Glass) (ed. Gray); George Eliot, Middlemarch; John Kucich, ed., Fictions of Empire; J. S. Mill, On Liberty and Other Writings (ed. Collini); Anthony Trollope, The Warden.
336 A (English Literature: The Early Modern Period)
TTh 1:30-3:20
This class will focus on the relationship between literary modernism and social
change in England during the first third of the 20th century. We will read
novels by D. H. Lawrence, E. M. Forster, Jean Rhys, and Virginia Woolf; short
stories by Katherine Mansfield; and poetry by T. S.Eliot, and a number of
other poets of World War I. Majors only, Reg. Period 1. Texts: D. H. Lawrence,
The Rainbow; E.M. Forster, Howard’s End; Katherine
Mansfield, Stories; T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land and Other Poems; Virginia Woolf,
Mrs. Dalloway; Candace, Ward, ed., World War One British Poets; Jean Rhys,
Voyage in the Dark.
337 A (The Modern Novel)
TTh 9:30-10:20
“Literature doesn’t matter!” wrote Delmore Schwartz. “The
only thing that matters is money and getting your teeth fixed. Schwartz was
a genius who could say what he wanted, but some questions remain: What is the
importance of literature? And how does the Anglo-American literature of the
first half of the twentieth century differ from what comes before and after
it? In an attempt to answer these questions, we’ll read works by William
Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, P. G. Wodehouse, Evelyn Waugh, Nathaniel West, and
Malcolm Lowry. A course packet will supplement the assigned novels. The reading
will be a pleasure, I think, but be forewarned: there’s a lot of it.
Other assignments include a midterm exam, a final paper, and a series of short
written responses. Majors only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Faulkner,
As I Lay Dying; Wodehouse, Life with Jeeves; Woolf, Mrs.
Dalloway; Waugh, The
Loved One; West, Miss Lonelyhearts & The Day of the Locust;
Lowry, Under
the Volcano.
340 A (Modern Anglo-Irish Literature)
TTh 2:30-4:20
This course will study James Joyce’s Ulysses in relation to
Irish literary culture around the turn of the twentieth century (Yeats, Synge,
Wilde, Irish
myth and popular culture). We’ll begin by reviewing Joyce’s achievement
in Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,
and then we’ll
study Ulysses chapter by chapter, paying close attention to Joyce’s
methods of composition and reveling in Joyce’s comic transvaluations
of all novelistic values and cultural agendas. The course will provide an introduction
to the
consummate artist of literary modernism, and sharpen your understanding of
the national and European horizons of Joyce’s art. There will be many
short assignments and a comprehensive final. The reading list is extensive
and very challenging. Students should use the summer vacation to read Joyce’s
early fiction (Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist), Yeats’s
early poetry and prose, and The Odyssey. Majors only, Registration
Pd. 1. Texts: Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man; Dubliners, Ulysses: The Corrected Text; W.B. Yeats, Early Poems;
Mythologies; John M. Synge, The
Playboy of the Western World; recommended: Yeats, Autobiographies.
342 A (Contemporary Novel)
MW 1:30-3:20
the Invisible Landscape”: Reframing Terrain in Contemporary American Novels
Adapted to Film.
"The test of imagination, ultimately, is not the territory of art or the territory
of the mind, but the territory underfoot. That is not to say that there is
no territory of art or of the mind, only that it is not a separate territory.
It is not exempt either from the principles above it or from the country
below it. It is a territory, then, that is subject to correction—by, among
other things, paying attention. To remove it from the possibility of correction
is finally to destroy art and thought, and the territory underfoot as well."
--Wendell Berry, “Writer and Region”
This is a course that asks you to reassess the function of and approaches
to reading setting in contemporary American fiction adapted to film.
All of the novels we’ll attend to center on a journey/odyssey motif,
literally or symbolically, and all were eventually adapted to film. We
will discuss
the individual authors and their thematic content, focusing especially
on setting and its narrative effect. Foremost, this is a course about contemporary
fiction and narrative restyling. It asks you to think about what happens
to the reading experience when conventional
verbal narratives are reframed into multimedia formats. Assuming that we
as contemporary readers have arrived at a millennial crossroads of textual
divide that perhaps all too easily separates Gutenberg print advocates from
fans of digital imaging--I’d like for us to review what’s at
stake aesthetically and culturally as we read both the spine-bound novels
and their
film adaptations. Are we as consumers of filmed stories simply being fast
forwarded? Are we sensually saturated and thus psychologically seduced? Or
do we ourselves
reformat our reading journeys of contemporary American travelers into entirely
different aesthetic and responsive terrains? Can narrative remapping reroute
the sentimental into the transcendental. Requirements include active participation
in class discussion sessions, writing reflective reviews and assessments,
a final project/exam, and possible creatively
critical small-group projects relating to voice annotation of filmed clips
(No prerequisite in film theory/filmmaking necessary). Majors only, Registration
Pd. 1. Texts: following are novels that I hope to
use and have ordered; based on their availability at publishing houses,
I may
have to substitute others:
Barry Gifford, Wild at Heart: The Story of Sailor and Lula; Cormac
McCarthy, All
the Pretty Horses; James Dickey, Deliverance; David Seals, The
Powwow Highway: A Novel;
Dennis Lehane, Mystic River; Robert James Waller, The Bridges
of Madison County.
351 A (American Literature: The Colonial Period)
Dy 10:30
We’ll read and discuss an assortment of novels, memoirs, sermons, journals,
treatises and other writings by American authors of the Colonial and Early
National periods. Students will be expected to attend class regularly, keep
up with reading assignments, and take part in open discussion. Written work
will consist entirely of between five and ten brief in-class essays done in
response to study questions handed out in advance. Majors only, Registration
Pd. 1. Texts: John Tanner, The Falcon: A Narrative of
the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner; Benjamin Franklin, The
Autobiography and Other Writings; Michael
Kammen, ed., The Origins of the American Constitution; Charles Brockden Brown,
Wieland; Susanna Rowson, Charlotte Temple and Lucy Temple; Hector St. John
de Crevecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer and Sketches of 18th-Century
American Life; Hannah Foster, The Coquette; Washington Irving, The
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon.
352 A (American Literature: The Early Nation)
TTh 12:30-2:20
[Conflicting visions of the national destiny and the individual identity
in the early years of America’s nationhood. Works by Emerson, Thoreau,
Hawthorne, Melville, and such other writers as Poe, Cooper, Irving, Whitman,
Dickinson, and Douglass.] Majors only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Melville,
Moby-Dick; Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass; Poe, Selected
Tales; Whitman, Complete Poems; Zinn, People’s History.
352 TS (American Literature: The Early Nation)
MW 7-8:50 pm
Conflicting visions of the national destiny and the individual identity in
the early years of America's nationhood Evening Degree students only, Registration
Periods 1 & 2. Texts: Margaret Fuller, Summer on
the Lakes; Frederick
Douglass, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American
Henry Thoreau, The Portable
Thoreau; Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Portable Hawthorne; Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Selections; Herman Melville, Moby-Dick.
353 A (American Literature: Later 19th C.)
TTh 12:30-2:20
Reading Walt Whitman for a week or two may change one’s life – reason
enough (and there are many more) for a course such as ours to start with him.
We’ll then move on to Emily Dickinson, Herman Melville, Stephen Crane,
Edith Wharton, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Frank Norris, and others. We’ll
try to identify some common preoccupations among our writers; we’ll
also discuss what makes each writer so odd and enduring. Expect a tremendous
amount of reading, a midterm exam, a final paper, and a variety of shorter
writing assignments. Majors
only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Hollander, ed., American
Poetry: The Nineteenth Century, Vol. 2: Melville to Stickney, American
Indian Poetry, Folk Songs and Spirituals; Walt Whitman, Leaves of
Grass; Herman Melville, Bartleby and Benito Cereno;
Frank Norris, McTeague; Stephen Crane, The
Portable Stephen Crane; Edith Wharton, Roman Fever and Other Stories.
354 A (American Literature: The Early Modern Period)
MW 1:30-3:20
Difficult Modernists. Using difficulty as a rubric, this course
brings together the works of six modernist authors – Marianne Moore,
Muriel Rukeyser, Gertrude Stein, Jean Toomer, William Faulkner, and Richard
Wright. We’ll
spend the quarter closely examining these authors’ texts as a way to
come to terms with some of the characteristics and concerns of American literary
modernism. We will also interrogate the concept of difficulty. What is it
about these texts that we register as difficult? Are all of these texts difficult
in the same way? What cultural, social, political, and economic factors engender
or contribute to the production of this difficult literature? What tactics
and strategies do we use to unpack difficult literature? In addition to performing
our own close readings of the primary course material, we will read theory
and critical essays as a way of provoking debate about the literature under
study. This course demands your consistent and active verbal participation.
Writing assignments will include formal response papers and a long analytical
essay. Majors
only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Jean Toomer, Cane;
Hart Crane, The Bridge; William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom!;
Gertrude Stein, Three Lives & Tender Buttons.
358 A (Literature of Black Americans)
MW 1:30-3:20, F 1:30-2:20
[Selected writings, novels, short stories, plays, poems by Afro-American writers.
Study of the historical and cultural context within which they evolved. Differences
between Afro-American writers and writers of the European-American tradition.
Emphasis varies. Offered: jointly with AFRAM 358.]
Added 7/12; sln: 9395. Texts: Zora Neale Hurston, Their
Eyes Were Watching God;
Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man; Nella Larsen, Quicksand and Passing;
Brooks, Maud Martha; Toni Morrison, Sula; Charles Johnson,
Oxherding Tale.
359 A (Contemporary American Indian Literature)
MW 1:30-3:20
[Creative writings -- novels, short stories, poems -- of contemporary Indian
authors; traditions out of which they evolved. Differences between Indian writers
and writers of the
dominant European/American mainstream. Offered: jointly with AIS 377.]
361 A (American Political Culture: After 1865)
TTh 9:30-10:20
To get under the surface of American political culture, we’ll use the
idea of the political unconscious to explore some of the energies, practices,
and emotionally charged images the guardians of official culture need to
repress, deny, minimize, or marginalize in order to sustain the approved
sense of America
as the redeemer nation. The challenge in the course is to probe the underside
of American political culture to see if Lincoln’s view of America as
an unfinished experiment dedicated to actualizing the values of life, liberty,
and equality in a government “of the people, by the people, for the
see if the values of the Declaration and the Gettysberg Address can withstand
the pressure of the kind of intense criticism generated by some of our most
powerful and perceptive writers. Selected secondary studies will provide
a context. In class we’ll concentrate on three major areas—race,
American empire and imperialism, and those tendencies in America that confirm
Isabel Allende’s view that every democracy has within it powerful fascist
elements. Through independent projects, students are encouraged to go more
deeply than in class into one of our major areas. I hope for active class
discussion of issues and texts I continue to find controversial and disturbing. Majors
only, Registration Pd. 1. Texts: Lincoln,
Selected Speeches and Writings; Dixon, Reconstruction Trilogy; Legion
for the Survival
of Freedom; Melville,
Budd; Miller, The Crucible; Dos Passos, The Big Money;
Zinn, People’s
History; recommended: DuBois, Writings;
Hartmann, Unequal Protection.
363 A (Literature & the Other Arts and Disciplines)
M WThF 10:30-11:20
Freud and the Literary Imagination. This course will examine a set
of central themes that emerge from Sigmund Freud's theories of the dream,
the nature of literary creativity, the operation of the human psyche, and the
substance of human culture. We will take as our starting point the hypothesis
that Freud conceives the psyche as a kind of writing machine, an "author" that
produces fictional narratives that share many properties with the prose fiction
generated by creative writers. For this reason, our focus throughout the quarter
will be restricted to prose narratives (by authors such as Kafka, Mann, Bachmann,
Hofmannsthal, etc.). The course will concentrate on literature produced in
the wake of Freud's theories, that is, on texts that consciously or unconsciously
develop Freudian ideas. The class will be structured around a set of themes
that will be developed on the basis of paired readings: in each case we will
first examine a text or excerpt from Freud's psychological works, then we will
read a literary work that exemplifiees the issue or issues highlighted in Freud's
theory. Theme 1: The Psyche as Writing Machine; Theme 2: Freud's Understanding
of Literary Creativity; Theme 3: The Oedipus Complex; Theme 4: Eros and Thanatos;
Theme 5: Repression and Social (Dis)Order; Theme 6 The Uncanny and the Literary
Fantastic; Theme 7: Freud and Women: Neurosis and Repression. (Offered with
GERMAN 390; readings are in English translation.)
370 A (English Language Study)
MW 10:30 (lecture; quizzes: MW 11:30; 12:30; 2:30
This course is an introduction to the formal and empirical study of language,
with an emphasis on English. We’ll study the sound system through
phonetics and phonology, how words are formed through morphology, how we
build clauses
with words and phrases in syntax, how we make meaning in semantics and
then turn to the social side and study the history of the English language,
and U.S. dialects and social interaction in discourses. With each linguistic
level (e.g., phonetics, phonology, etc.) we will start with formal analysis
and then in your quiz sections we’ll read an article or two illustrating
the usefulness of understanding the linguistic level and work through assigned
problems. The course will include lecture, discussion, and workshops on
linguistic problems. There will be homework, usually problem sets, and
reading responses
each week of class. Because there are right and wrong answers in this course
(on the homework, on the tests), students may feel a decided contrast with
English courses where reading and writing about reading dominates. If you’re
planning to teach, though, you need to have this information well in hand
to best serve the students of the multilingual cultures of Puget Sound.
midterm, final, and a final paper will be the basis of the final grade.
Majors only, Registration Pd. 1. Text: Finegan, Language:
Its Use and Structure.
381 A (Advanced Expository Writing)
MW 8:30-10:20
The Animal Other. This advanced writing course offers experienced
writers the opportunity to refine their writing skills by considering representations
of the animal in literary, philosophical, and filmic texts. We will examine
what the animal is, or means, because, as theorist Cary Wolfe claims, the
of the animal is “perhaps the central problematic for contemporary
culture and theory.” By engaging the question of the animal we will
participate in current debates about the construction of identity, both human
and animal.
Raeading practices in this course willfocus on closely examining how authors
use language to persuade and affect their readers. Writing tasks will include
daily responses to the readings, experimentation with three distinct kinds
of writing (the academic essay, the personal narrative, and the editorial
or polemical opinion piece), and participation in workshop-style editing
and revision.
Students should be prepared to think critically about the animal as a conceptual
framework and be willing to engage in careful scrutiny of their own and their
peers’ writing. Majors only, Registration
Period 1. Texts: J. M. Coetzee, The Lives of Animals;
Paul Auster, Timbuktu; Donna Haraway, The Companion Species
Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness; Jeffrey Moussaieff
Masson, Susan McCarty, When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals Joseph
M. Williams, Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace.
381 B (Advanced Expository Writing)
MW 12:30-2:20
S. Browning
[Concentration on the development of prose style for experienced writers.]
Majors only, Registration Period 1.
383 A (Intermediate Verse Writing)
MW 1:30-2:50
Students will begin by doing some exercises to discover material, move on to
writing poems, and end by revising their most promising work. Throughout
the quarter we’ll be examining closely a number of poems notable for
their music, imagination, and humor. The goal is for students to learn to
listen to poems, their own and others’, line by line, word by word,
sound by sound. Class participation will count for 50% of the final grade.
Prerequisite: ENGL 283. Majors
only, Registration Period 1.
383 B (Intermediate Verse Writing)
TTh 10:30-11:50
[Intensive study of the ways and means of making a poem. Further development
of fundamental skills. Emphasis on revision. Prerequisite: ENGL 283.] Majors
only, Registration Period 1. No texts.
384 A (Intermediate Short Story Writing)
MW 1:30-2:50
Dozens of brief reading assignments and several brief writing assignments,
all in the service of learning how to write more effective prose in a variety
of forms and styles. Prerequisite: ENGL 284. Majors only, Registration Period
Text: photocopied course packet.
384B (Intermediate Short Story Writing)
TTh 10:30-11:50
Dozens of brief reading assignments and several brief writing assignments,
all in the service of learning how to write more effective prose in a variety
of forms and styles. Prerequisite: ENGL 284. Majors only, Registration Period
Text: photocopied course packet.
384 C (Intermediate Short Story Writing)
MW 2:30-3:50
[Exploring and developing continuity in the elements of fiction writing.
Methods of extending and sustaining plot, setting, character, point of view,
tone. Prerequisite: ENGL 284.] Majors only, Registration Period 1.
Texts: Julie Checkoway, ed., Creating Fiction; Nicholas Delbanco, The Sincerest
Form: Writing Fiction by Imitation.