Course Descriptions (Last updated: 19 July 1999)
The following course descriptions have been written by individual instructors
to provide more detailed information on specific section sthan that found in
the General Catalog. When individual descriptions are not available,
the General Catalog descriptions [in brackets] are used. (Although we try to
have as accurate and complete information as possible, this schedule remains
subject to change.)
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Interested in Medieval Literature? In the history of English?
In English language study? Look at this graduate course in Old English open
to undergraduates: ENGL 512A, Introductory Reading in Old English, meeting daily 8:30-9:20 with Professor Robert Stevick, is a beginning course in the earliest written form of the English language, extremely helpful for study of English literature of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance and fundamental to historical study of the English language. Add codes available in English Graduate Office, A-105 PDL. |
300 A (Reading Major Texts)
MW 9:30-11:20
Ralph Ellison in American Literature. We will read Ellison’s
1952 masterpiece, Invisible Man, as an intricate conversation with
American literature and culture. Ellison’s novel is a virtual collage
or jazz improvisation comprised of overlapping voices and shadowy presences,
among them Hawthorne, Melville, Stephen Crane, Frederick Douglass, Booker
T. Washignton, W. E. B. DuBois, James Weldon Johnson. Texts: John Hope
Franklin, ed., Three Negro Classics; Melville, Great Short Works;
Ellison, Invisible Man; Shadow and Act; Sundquist, ed.,
Contexts of Invisible Man; Douglass, Narrative of My Life.
302 YA (Critical Practice)
MW 7-8:50 pm
(Evening Degree)
What Do We Do When We Do English? The learning goals of this
course are twofold: first, it will introduce students to thinking about
the discipline of English studies from a theoretical point of view.
We all know "theory" is important in English studies, but not everyone feels
very comfortable plowing their way into it. Most of us find it slow
going, and we may not be very clear about why one would do it at all.
So one thing we'll do is read a little theory, and explore how this theorizing
helps one undestand what this thing called an English Major really is.
But second, this course also aims to give its students a place to
work on their English writing skills. Students sometimes complain that
while we English professors ask them to write paper after paper, we don't
always take the time to help people develop the writing skills they need
to do that. This course will devote a lot of its time to writing--working
in class with papers, thinking about what makes an English paper good, and
how one can get better at writing one. Evening Degree students only, Registration
Periods 1 & 2.Texts: Robert Scholes, The Rise and Fall
of English; Michel Foucault, The Foucault Reader; Graham Swift,
Ever After; David Madden, ed., A Pocket Full of Poems.
304 A (History of Literary Criticism & Theory II)
TTh 12:30-2:20
This class is an introduction to recent (post-structuralist) literary theory.
We start with a look at some important precursors (Nietzsche, Freud, Saussure)
against the background of the traditional assumptions of modern Western philosophy
(Descartes). We then take a look at the major poststructuralist theorists
of the 1960s and 1970s (including Barthes, Derrida, Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze
and Guattari, Irigaray, and Cixous) and end with a consideration of the legacy
that these thinkers have left for us today. Books ordered will be supplemented
by a course packet of additional readings from Derrida, Lacan, Irigaray,
Cixous, and Deleuze & Guattari. Texts: Rene Descartes, Meditations
on First Philosophy; F. W. Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols; Sigmund
Freud, Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis; Ferdinand de Saussure, Course
in General Linguistics; Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text;
Michel Foucault, The Foucault Reader; Jean Baudrillard, Selected
307 A (Cultural Studies: Literature & the Age)
TTh 10:30-12:20
Wandering Women. What are the semantics of a sidewalk?
What does it mean to walk--to be free to choose one's own way? This
course will explore the relationship between mobility, urbanity, and female
subjectivity. We will explore the relationshipo between depictions of
female sexuality and activities such as shopping, prostitution, tourism, and
flaneurie. Texts include Gertrude Stein's "Melanctha," Mina Loy's
"Virgins Plus Curtains Minus Dots," Charlotte Bronte's Villette,
Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, Djuna Barnes' Nightwood, Paul
Bowles's The Sheltering Sky, and Jane Bowles's Two Serious Ladies.
We will read as well a few critical texts to orient ourselves, including
Michel de Certeau and Georg Simmel. The course stresses close reading,
as well as comparative analysis. Students are expected to wander into
class on an entirely regular basis. Texts: Bronte, Villette;
Barnes, Nightwood; Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway; Stein, Three Lives;
Bowles, The Sheltering Sky; Jane Bowles, My Sister's Hand
in Mine: The Collected Works of Jane Bowles.
311 A (Modern Jewish Literature in Translation)
Dy 10:30
This course deals with the literary interpretation of modern Jewish experience,
which includes the break-up of a cohesive religious culture, mass migrations
of unprecedented magnitude, the destruction of European Jewry by National
Socialism during World War II, and the effort to reestablish a national existence
in the Jewish homeland of Israel. Readings include such classic Yiddish
authors as Sholom Aleichem and I. L. Peretz, and more recent Yiddish writers,
among them I. B. Singer and Jacob Glatstein. At least two writers who
did not write in Jewish languages, the Czech Franz Kafka and the Italian
Primo Levi, will also be studied. Among the Israeli authors in the
syllabus are Agnon, Hazaz, and Appelfeld. Considerable attention will
also be given to the play of competing ideas that form the background of
the imaginative literature. Texts: Howe & Greenberg, eds., Treasury
of Yiddish Stories; Appelfeld, Badenheim 1939; Levi, Survival
in Auschwitz, Heller, ed., The Basic Kafka.
320 A (English Literature: The Middle Ages)
MW 8:30-10:20
The course will provide a lively and wide-ranging introduction to the literature
of the Middle Ages, which will endeavor to place texts remote from our modern
era in their social and historical contexts. Students will read and
discuss the best-known poems of the Old and Middle English periods (including
Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Canterbury
Tales). The informing critical theme of the course will be the
phenomenon of “syncretism,” the process of cultural accommodation that accounts
for the fat, e.g., that the days of the week are named after pagan Norse
gods. There will be a mid-term, final, and major term paper.
Majors only, Registration Period 1.Texts: Lehmann, ed. & tr.,
Beowulf; Kinsella, ed. & tr., The Táin; Tolkien,
tr., Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
(ed. Hieatt & Hieatt).
321 A (Chaucer)
TTh 12:30-2:20
Introduction to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and other poetry in Middle
English, with attention to Chaucer’s historical and social context. Majors
only, Registration Period 1. Text: Chaucer, Canterbury Tales
(ed. Kolve & Olson).
323 A (Shakespeare to 1603)
TTh 10:30-12:20
Shakespeare's career as dramatist before 1603 (including Hamlet). Study
of history plays, comedies, and tragedies. English majors only, Registration
Period 1. Texts: Shakespeare, Richard II; 1 Henry IV; Midsummer
Night's Dream; As You Like It; Twelfth Night; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet.
323 YA (Shakespeare to 1603)
MW 7-8:50 pm
(Evening Degree)
Shakespeare’s career as dramatist before 1603 (including Hamlet). Study
of history plays, comedies and tragedies. Evening Degree students only, Registration
Periods 1 & 2. Text: Bevington, ed., The Complete Works
of Shakespeare, 4th ed.
325 A (English Literature: The Late Renaissance)
TTh 12:30-2:20
The worst course in the world for people content to skim their eyes over
pages and to gather a few vague general ideas/impressions. Quite possibly
the best course possible for people who like to hear what they
read, to enjoy detail, to respond to texts as performances.
Majors only, Registration Period 1. Texts: George Herbert, The
Complete English Poems (ed. Tobin); John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
(ed. Brennan); Ben jonson, The Alchemist (ed. Woodland).
326 A (Milton)
TTh 1:30-3:20
--cancelled 4/27/99--
327 A (English Literature: Restoration & Early 18th C.)
MW 10:30-12:20
--cancelled 4/27/99--
328 A (English Literature: Later 18th Century)
MW 10:30-12:20
(added 4/27; sln: 8857)
This course focuses on literature written from 1750-1800, the period that
historically encompasses the European Enlightenment and the French and American
Revolutions. In literary terms, the latter part of the eighteenth century
also marks the rise both of the novel and of modern historiography (e.g.,
Gibbon, Mills). We will explore the relationship between romance and
history as it develops in the popular literature of this period, and we will
take as our thesis William Godwin's claim that "Romance...may be pronounced
to be one of the species of history." Course texts include: Richardson's
Clarissa (selections), Sterne's Sentimental Journey, Rousseau's
Julie (selections), Wollstonecraft's Short Residence in Sweden,
and Godwin's Memoirs of the Author of the Vindication of the Rights of
Women. Course requirements include weekly one-page critical responses
and a final examination. English majors only, Registration Period 1.
329 YA (Rise of the English Novel)
TTh 7-8:50 pm
(Evening Degree)
We will read novels by Behn, Defoe, Richardson, and Haywood. The goal
of the course is to trace the “rise” of the 18th century novel in relation
to changes in print culture, social identity and cultural history. Evening
Degree students only, Registration Periods 1 & 2. Texts: Behn,
Oroonoko; Defoe, Roxana; Richardson, Pamela (or Virtue Rewarded);
Haywood, Betsy Thoughtless.
330 A (English Literature: The Romantic Age)
TTh 9:30-11:20
We will study the Romantic writers in their intellectual and historical context.
We will investigate topics including the sublime, the slave trade, childhood,
and nature. Students will be required to write weekly 2-page papers,
one longer paper, and one exam. The format will be lecture and discussion.
Majors only, Registration Period 1. Texts: Perkins, English
Romantic Writers; Shelley, Frankenstein.
331 A (Romantic Poetry I)
TTh 1:30-3:20
The Romantic poets Blake, Wordsworth, and Coleridge were deeply influenced
by the French Revolution and by political turmoil in England, but their work
is also remarkable for its attention to apparently apolitical topics such
as nature, childhood, and the solitary, reflecting self. This class
will explore the relationship of the public to the private in the careers
of these highly influential writers. Some emphasis will also be placed
on their interest in formal and thematic experiment and on their active reevaluation
of the poet/audience relationship. Majors only, Registration Period 1.
Texts: Wordsworth, Selected Poems (ed. Hayden); Coleridge,
The Complete Poems (ed. Keach); Johnson & Grant, eds., Blake’s
Poetry and Designs.
333 A (English Novel: Early & Middle 19th C.)
MW 1:30-3:20
Two novels from the early 19th century (Austen, Shelley), and three from
mid-century (the Brontës and Dickens) deal with the successes and failures
of lives caught in the turmoil of cultural change. Two short papers
and a final exam. Majors only, Registration Period 1.Texts: Austen,
Pride and Prejudice; Shelley, Frankenstein; C. Brontë,
Jane Eyre; E. Brontë, Wuthering Heights; Dickens, Great
334 YA (English Novel: Later 19th C.)
MW 4:30-6:20 pm
(Evening Degree)
With the possible exception of The Picture of Dorian Gray, a work
not easy to categorize, the readings in this course deal with the struggles
of disenfranchized men and women seeking status, power, sense in a social
structure smugly sure of its established powers. Two short papers and
a final examination. Evening Degree students only, Registration
Periods 1 & 2. Texts: George Eliot, Adam Bede; M. E.
Braddon, Lady Audley’s Secret; Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D’Urbervilles;
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray; Joseph Conrad, Nostromo.
336 A (English Literature: The Early Modern Period)
TTh 11:30-1:20
This quarter we will read poetry, fiction and essays written in England during
the first half of the Twentieth Century. The class format is lecture
and discussion. Additionally, each student will participate in an oral
group project. Majors only, Registration Period 1. Texts: Candace
Ward, ed. World War One British Poets; T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land;
E. M. Forster, Howard’s End; Katherine Mansfield, Stories; Virginia
Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway; D. H. Lawrence, Stories Vol. II;
George Orwell, A Collection of Essays; Elizabeth Bowen, Death of
the Heart.
344 A (20th-Century Dramatic Literature)
MW 9:30-11:20
Irish Plays and Playwrights. Ireland has been a rich source of
plays and playwrights for the last 300 years or so. This course will
examine the contributions of Irish playwrights to the developments of drama
and theater in the twentieth century. We’ll begin the course at the
end of the nineteenth century with Wilde, Shaw, Lady Gregory and Yeats, and
examine the relations between established London theaters and the evolution
of a “national” theater in Ireland. The Abbey Theater in Dublin becomes
a force for revitalizing dramatic arts in Ireland and beyond, and we’ll focus
on the variety of plays that were developed for that influential venue by
such as Synge, O’Casey, Robinson, and others. We’ll then turn to look
at plays produced away from the Abbey (and Ireland), such as those of Beckett
and Friel, and end with some contemporary plays which have reestablished
a strong Irish presence in London, New York, and Seattle theaters (e.g.,
McGuinness, McDonagh). Texts: Owens & Radner, eds., Irish Drama,
1900-1980; Sanford V. Sternlicht, A Reader’s Guide to Modern Irish
Drama; Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays;
Frank McGuinness, Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme;
Martin Mcdonagh, The Beauty Queen of Leenane and Other Plays.
351 A (American Literature: The Colonial Period)
Dy 10:30
J. Griffith
We’ll read and discuss an assortment of novels, memoirs, sermons, journals,
treatises and other writings by American authors of the colonial and early
national periods. Students will be expected to attend class regularly,
keep up with reading assignments, and take part in open discussions.
Written work will consist entirely of between five and ten brief in-class
essays, done in response to study questions handed out in advance. Majors
only, Registration Period 1. Texts: John Tanner, The Falcon:
A Narrative of the Captivity & Adventures of John Tanner; Benjamin
Franklin, The Autobiography and Other Writings; Michael Kammen, ed.,
The Origins of the American Constitution; Charles Brockden Brown,
Wieland; Susanna Rowson, Charlotte Temple and Lucy Temple; St.
Jean de Crevecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer and Sketches of 18th-Cnetury
American Life; Hannah Foster, The Coquette; Washington Irving,
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon.
352 A (American Literature: The Early Nation)
MW 2:30-4:20
During the first half of the nineteenth century, American writers explored
the contradictions and possibilities of the new nation. They experimented
with a range of languages and engaged with the challenge of creating fiction
and poetry for a developing market in which, as Melville wrote, “dollars damn
me.” Issues of race and slavery pervaded public discourse, as they
do several of our works. The ideology of “the woman’s sphere” was developed
during this period, with consequences that continue to reverberate. Writers
as different as Melville, Whitman, and Elizabeth Stoddard were pioneer explorers
of the American sexual frontier. Our writers brought to a focus the
contradiction between class differences and egalitarian ideals in “the era
of the common man.” During the quarter I hope we will become increasingly
aware of the languages, power relations, and creative achievements of an
exceptionally revealing period. Majors only, Registration Period 1.
Texts: Davis, Life in the Iron Mills, Melville, Moby-Dick;
Douglass, Narrative of the Life; Thoreau, Walden & Civil Disobedience.
352 YA (American Literature: The Early Nation)
MW 7-8:50 pm
(Evening Degree)
Conflicting visions of the national destiny and the individual identity in
the early years of America's nationhood. Evening Degree students only,
Registration Periods 1 & 2. Texts: Margaret Fuller,
The Essential Margaret Fuller; Frederick Douglass, The Narrative
of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave; Henry Thoreau,
The Portable Thoreau; Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Portable Hawthorne;
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson; Herman Melville,
353 A (American Literature: Later 19th C.)
Dy 8:30
J. Griffith
We’ll read and discuss an assortment of novels, short stories, and sketches
produced by American authors in the decades following the Civil War.
Students will be expected to attend class regularly, keep up with reading
assignments, and take part in open discussion. Written work will consist
entirely of from five to ten brief in-class essays done in response to study
questions handed out in advance. Majors only, Registration Period
1. Texts: Judith Fetterley, ed., American Women Regionalists
1850-1910; Henry James, The American; William Dean Howells, The
Rise of Silas Lapham; Kate Chopin, The Awakening and Selected Short
Stories; Frank Norris, McTeague; Charles Chesnutt, The Marrow
of Tradition; Mark Twain, Great Short Works; Stephen Crane, Great
Short Works.
354 YA (American Literature: The Early Modern Period)
TTh 7-8:50 pm
(Evening Degree)
Literary responses to the disillusionment after World War I, experiments in
form and in new ideas of a new period. Texts: Jean Toomer, Cane;
Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop; Edith Summers Kelley,
Weeds; Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God; F.
Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby; Nella Larson, Passing.Evening
Degree students only, Registration Periods 1 & 2.
355 A (American Literature: Contemporary America)
MW 10:30-12:20
One of the hallmarks of postmodernism is a questioning of absolute truths.
In this class we'll read contemporary narratives that enact this theme through
stories about quests for knowledge. Responsibilities include active
participation, five brief response papers, and a final take-home exam.
Texts: Don DeLillo, The Names; Paul Auster, City of Glass;
Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon; Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot
49; Leslie Silko, Ceremony; Ishmael Reed, Mumbo-Jumbo. Majors
only, Registration Period 1.
356 A (Classic American Poetry)
MW 9:30-11:20
--cancelled 4/27/99--
359 U (Contemporary American Indian Literature)
MW 5-6:50 pm
American Indians have been portrayed in thousands of books and movies and
many or most of these portrayals have been unsympathetic, culturally biased,
and inaccurate. During this century, American Indian authors have used
the artistic form of the novel in an act of resistance to regain Indian identity.
This course will examine some of these novels in terms of the statements
each makes about Indian identity. The course will involve two in-class
tests, a short analysis assignment, and a small group presentation.
Meets with AIS 377U. English majors only, Registration Period 1.
Texts: Deloria, Waterlily; Welch, Fools Crow; Erdrich,
Tracks; Alexie, Indian Killer; Silko, Ceremony.
367 A (Women and the Literary Imagination)
MW 1:30-3:20
Gender and Medieval Romance. This course will investigate the
construction of gender and sexuality in medieval romance. We will examine
how romance idealizes women, how that idealization is central to the construction
of masculine identity, and how the genre subverts—or supports—these representations
with outspoken or sexually assertive ladies and knights who are notably passive.
Because a central concern of the course will be the way in which configurations
of gender are related to questions of genre, we will look at how other narrative
traditions, both secular (fabliau: that is, bawdy comic stories) and sacred
(saints’ Lives), complement or challenge romance representations of gender
and sexuality. These comparisons open up questions of how we read medieval
literature: what difference does it make to read romance in its contemporary
discursive context or from the perspective of modern understandings of gender?
Are “historicist” and “feminist” approaches compatible or incompatible?
There will be some reading in Middle English, but no previous experience is
necessary. Texts will include Chrétien de Troyes’ Lancelot
and Yvain¸ the Lais of Marie de France, Silence, Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight, Amis and Amiloun, and some Chaucerian romances.
Texts: Chrétien de Troyes, Arthurian Romances; Glyn
Burgess, ed., Lais of Marie de France; Heldris, ed., Silence: A
Thirteenth-Century French Romance; Borroff, tr., Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight; Foster, ed., Amis and Amiloun, Robert of Cisyle, and
Sir Amadace.
370 A (English Language Study)
Dy 10:30
Wide-range introduction to the study of written and spoken English.
The nature of language; ways of describing language; the use of language study
as an approach to English literature and the teaching of English. Majors
only, Registration Period 1.
Text: Finnegan, Language: Its Structure and Use.
381 A (Advanced Expository Writing)
MW 8:30-9:50
This will be a writing class that uses the workshop model. We’ll spend
most of our time talking about the essays we write for the course. We’ll
also look at the work of some professional essayists and talk about the role
of the essay in academia and in art. Participation is important so
bring your writing material and your coffee. No texts. Majors only,
Registration Period 1.
381 B (Advanced Expository Writing)
TTh 10:30-11:50
This class will be conducted as a writing workshop and will focus on consideations
of rhetorical stance, style and tone relative to a variety of different writing
situations. Model essays will be rad and analyzed, but emphasis will
be on the presentation and discussion of work written by students enrolled
in the course. Majors only, Registration Period 1. Texts: Thomas
Kane, The New Oxford Guide to Writing.
383 A (Intermediate Verse Writing)
MW 11:30-12:50
Intensive study of the ways and means of making a poem. Further development
of fundamental skills. Emphasis on revision. No texts. Prerequisite:
ENGL 283.
383 B (Intermediate Verse Writing)
TTh 1:30-2:50
This course will be run as an intensive workshop. The course theme--Poem
as Craft, Poem as Art. In pursuing this theme, we will analyze how
various technical devices, grouped by Ezra Pound under the categories of
MeloPoeia, PhanoPoeia, and LogoPoeia, contribute to and/or detract from poems
as craft/art. Original student work will constitute our primary texts,
but additional reading and literary analysis may be required. Prerequisite: ENGL
384 A (Intermediate Short Story
MW 10:30-11:50
A. Nelson
[Exploring and developing continuity in the elements of fiction writing. Methods
of extending and sustaining plot, setting, character, point of view, and
tone.] Prerequisite: ENGL 284
384 B (Intermediate Short Story
TTh 1:30-2:50
[Exploring and developing continuity in the elements of fiction writing. Methods
of extending and sustaining plot, setting, character, point of view, and
tone.] Prerequisite: ENGL 284