Course Descriptions (as of 22 August 1997)
The following course descriptions have been written by individual instructors
to provide more detailed information on specific section sthan that found
in the General Catalog. When individual descriptions are not available,
the General Catalog descriptions [in brackets] are used. (Although we try
to have as accurate and complete information as possible, this schedule
remains subject to change.)
Graduate Course in Old English open to undergraduates
ENGL 512 (Introductory Reading in Old English; daily 8:30) is
open to undergraduate students interested in language study and/or Anglo-Saxon
literature. This is a beginning course in the earliest written form of the
English language, indispensable for study of literary (and other) texts from
the middle ages, extremely helpful to understanding the nature of the English
language, and fundamental to historical study of the English language. Students
should have some background in language study, preferably ENGL 370 or equivalent.
Permission of the instructor (Professor Robert Stevick) required; e-mail to:
407A (Special Topics in Cultural Studies)
TTh 10:30-12:20
McCarthyism. This course will address the cultural politics of McCarthyism,
both in the 1950s and since that time, as they evolved in historical, literary
and filmic accounts. In addition to the required written texts, the class
will use class time to view and discuss a few definitive films, such as The
Front. Two short papers and in-class reading response essays, as well
as regular class discussion constitute a major part of the final grade. Texts:
Navasky, Naming Names; Miller, The Crucible; Doctorow, The
Book of Daniel; Coover, Public Burning; Belfrage, UnAmerican
Activities; Hellman, Scoundrel Time.
471YA (The Composition Process)
MW 4:30-6:20 p.m.
(Evening Degree)
This is a class for those who plan to teach writing. Expect to do a good
deal of writing (a class journal and other requirements). The two listed books,
a number of photocopied articles, and your own writing will be our texts.
(Add codes in English Advising office, Padelford A-2-B. Evening Degree
students only, Registration Periods 1 & 2. Other students should see
an English adviser in A-2-B Padelford to secure place on waiting list.) Texts:
Joseph Harris, A Teaching Subject: Composition since 1966;
William Coles, The Plural I--And After; photocopied course packet.
479A (Language Variation and Policy in North America)
TTh 12:30-2:20
This course examines languages, dialects, and ways of speaking in North
America, considering how these vary by geography, class, gender, ethnicity,
and individual circumstance. We will also investigate how language
policy can affect access to education, the labor force, and political institutions. Assignments
include gruop presentations, discussions, responses to readings, final paper. Course added 6 May 1997; sln: 8453. Text: McKay & Wong,
eds., Language Diversity: Problem or Resource.
483A (Advanced Verse Writing)
TTh 11:30-12:50
Intensive study of ways and means of making a poem. Prerequisite: ENGL
383 or equivalent, and writing sample. Add
codes in Creative Writing office, B-25 Padelford, (206) 543-9865, open
11-3 daily.
484A (Advanced Short Story Writing)
MW 3:30-4:50
[Experience with the theory and practice of writing the short story.]
Prerequisite: ENGL 384 or equivalent, and writing sample. No texts. Add codes in Creative Writing office, B-25 Padelford,
(206) 543-9865, open 11-3 daily.
484B (Advanced Short Story Writing)
TTh 1:30-2:50
[Experience with the theory and practice of writing the short story.]
Prerequisite: ENGL 384 or equivalent, and writing sample. Add codes in
Creative Writing office, B-25 Padelford, (206) 543-9865, open 11-3 daily.
485A (Novel Writing)
MW 1:30-2:50
This class will concentrate on the writing and reading of your novels. However,
we will also be reading one published novel and several essays novelists have
written on their craft. This is not a class for beginning fiction writers,
and you should expect to write and read extensively over the quarter. I'll
expect that you're familiar with the basics of fiction writing and that you
will start the quarter with a very solid idea and plan for your novel--one
of your first assignments will be to do an outline of your whole project.
As part of writing a novel is simply generating pages, I'll expect you to
complete at least 30-40 pages over the quarter, as well as several sketches,
outlines, diagrams, etc., as well as reading and commenting on each other's
work. We will discuss issues of character development and imagery, and pay
special attention to issues of pacing and organization in the novel. This
is not a course in writing commercial or genre fiction. Prerequisite: ENGL
484 or equivalent, and writing sample. Add
codes in Creative Writing office, B-25 Padelford, (206) 543-9865, open
11-3 daily. Texts: E. M. Forster, Aspects of the Novel; David
Lodge, The Art of Fiction; J. M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians.
491A (Internship)
Supervised experience in local businesses and other agencies. Open only
to upper-division English majors. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite: 25
credits in English. Add codes and further information in English
advising office, A-2-B Padelford.
492A (Advanced Expository Writing Conference)
Tutorial arranged by prior mutual agreement between individual student and
instructor. Revision of manuscripts is emphasized, but new work may also be
undertaken. Instructor codes and further information available
in Undergraduate Programs office, A-11 Padelford.
493A (Advanced Creative Writing Conference)
Tutorial arranged by prior mutual agreement between individual student and
instructor. Revision of manuscripts is emphasized, but new work may also be
undertaken. Instructor codes and further information available in
Creative Writing office, B-25 Padelford, open 11-3 daily.
494A (Honors Seminar)
TTh 10:30-12:20
Basic Texts of Modern and Post-Modern Thought. Anthology will include
such writers as: Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, Hegel, Wittgenstein, Derrida and
Foucault. English Honors majors only. Add codes in Undergraduate
Programs office, A-11 Padelford. Text: Cahoone, ed., From
Modernism to Postmodernism.
496A (Major Conference for Honors)
Individual study (reading, papers) by arrangement with the instructor. Required
of and limited to honors seniors in English. Instructor codes and
further information in Undergraduate Programs office, A-11 Padelford.
497/498A (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 9:30-11:20
America Everyday. This seminar will be devoted to a mundane question:
What is it like to live everyday? The focus of the course will be on the literature,
films, and theories of everyday life. A survey of Books in Print discovered
over 1000 titles containing the word "everyday," yet it's clear they don't
agree what the term means. This course isn't about a definition, but rather
about the assumptions we make about the common, the ubiquitous, the mundane.
And it is about the ways theorists (Foucault, Marxists like Henri Lefebvre,
and poststructuralists), artists, and writers have used the everyday. In
order to understand the ways in which we use and yet overlook the everyday,
the course will be divided into three sections. The first, "Keeping Record,"
will be devoted to journals and diaries, including Thoreau's journal, Patricia
Meyer Spack's essay on boredom, and Sue Hubbell's book on bee keeping, "A
Country Year." The second section, "Objects," will look at how artists and
theorists--like Roland Barthes, Susan Willis, and others--focus our attention
on everyday things. The final section, "Experiencing the Everyday," will
look at fictional and visual representations of everyday existence. Included
will be Nicholson Baker, Ben Katcher's Julius Knipl, and the films Groundhog
Day and Smoke. Requirements will include keeping a journal everyday
(naturally), short essays, and one long essay on an everyday subject of your
choosing. Senior English majors only. Texts: Nicholson Baker,
The Mezzanine; Ben Katcher, Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer;
Sue Hubbel, A Country Year; Henry D. Thoreau, A Year in Thoreau's
Journal: 1851.
497/498B (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 11:30-1:20
Lowell and Heaney. --CLASS CANCELLED 6/18/97--
497/498C (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 1:30-3:20
The Harlem Renaissance. A study of the critical issues and writings
associated with what has been called "the Harlem Renaissance." Texts:
Wallace Thurman, Infants of the Spring; Jean Toomer, Cane;
Nella Larsen, Quicksand & Passing; Alain Locke, The New Negro
Voices of the Harlem Renaissance; Claude McKay, Home to Harlem;
Zora Neale Hurston, The Complete Short Stories; Langston Hughes, Not
Without Laughter; C. Wintz, The Harlem Renaissance, 1920-1940: The
Politics and Aesthetics of "New Negro Literature"; photocopied course
packet; optional: Langston Hughes, The Langston Hughes Reader.
497/498D (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
T Th 9:30-11:20
Where the Boys Are: Middle-Class Women and the Marriage Plot, 1816 to
Present. This course takes a literary and historical approach to constructions
of class, gender, and sexuality and the plotting of "domestic" narratives
over nearly 200 years in literature and film. We begin with Jane Austen's Emma (1816),
move to poetry, prose and journalism of the early and mid-Victorian period
(including works by Ruskin, Christina Rossetti, and Nightingale),
read a mid-Victorian "sensation" novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon (The
Doctor's Wife, 1864), and a late-Victorian "realist" novel by George
Gissing (The Odd Women, 1893). Our consideration of twentieth-century
courtship and marriage plots concentrates on films from the 1960s (Where
the Boys Are), 1970s (Carrie), 1980s (Pretty Woman), and
1990s (Clueless, a cinematic adaptation of Austen's Emma). This course
is especially designed for those who enjoy analyzing literature and film within
a cross-disciplinary, theoretical and historiographic frame. Reading requirements
are demanding. Senior English majors only. Texts: Austen, Emma;
Nightingale, Cassandra; Gissing, The Odd Women.
497/498E (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar) W
TTh 10:30-12:20
Fear, Gratitude, Grief, Joy and Other Emotions I Have Known While Reading
and Living. This is a course about emotional responses to literature
(and some film). Its point is to explore the intense reactions we have to
some things we read and view, and to try to understand exactly what they
are, and why we have them. We'll read fiction and poetry (mostly from modern
and contemporary writers) together with essays about emotions, feelings,
and affects from other disciplines including psychology, communications,
and anthropology. We'll take up some provocative questions: What does it
mean to "identify" with a character, really? How much of our own lives do
we read into a character's life? What does it mean to "escape" into a book?
Why would someone want to do that, anyway? What does "being moved" by something
we read/view involve? How do we account for the bodily responses that sometimes
accompany intense emotional responses? Students will choose between writing
two shorter or one longer paper, and will give a class presentation. Participation
in discussion is required. So are lively opinions, and an interest in this
topic.Senior English majors only. Texts: Jeanette Winterson,
The Passion; Arlie Hothschild, The Managed Heart; Catherine
Lutz, Unnatural Emotions.
497/498F (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 12:30-2:20
Transatlantic Fictions. In this seminar we will analyze how Renaissance
Europe digests or assimilates the New World, with a special emphasis on English
texts. The course considers the genres of discovery and colonization--letters, "relaciones," chronicles,
utopias--and the transformation of those genres by writers from the Americas
and later English authors. How do rhetorical
problems of quotation, translation, and certification shape European visions
of the Americas? How do literary strategies relate to imperial goals? Some
of the issues we will discuss include the contrasts between Renaissance conceptions
of the New World and first-person, experiential accounts; the central role
of language in the American exchanges; the relation of English imperial expansion
to that of other empires; and the intersections between desire and conquest.
All readings in English. Senior English majors only. Texts: Jane,
The Four Voyages of Columbus; More, Utopia; Nuqez Cabeza De
Vaca, Castaways. Hakluyt, Voyages and Discoveries; Shakespeare,
The Tempest; Bacon, The New Atlantis; Behn, Oroonoko;
Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, Bernal Diaz, The Conquest of New Spain..
497/498G (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 1:30-3:20
Novels of the Fifties: The U.S. Although the 1950s have been popularly
remembered as a period of affluence and conformity, the decade was rocked
by challenges to social conventions and beliefs: desegregation; censorship
trials; youth rebellion. American novelists in particular attempted to address
many of these changes as they developed what, taken as a whole, emerges as
a very complex aesthetic and unsettling perspective on a decade that was anything
but ideal. In addition to active, regular class discussion, this course will
require students to complete at least one oral presenation, infrequent reading
response/critiques, and a final long paper. Texts: Ellison, Invisible
Man; Salinger, Catcher in the Rye; Petry, The Narrows; Bellow,
Seize the Day; Okada, No-No Boy; Nabokov, Lolita; Sinclair,
The Changelings.
497/498H (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 11:30-1:20
The Academy vs. the Academy. "Prize giving, by nature, is a dangerously
subjective task," writes J. Douglas Bates in The Pulitzer Prize: The Inside
Story of America's Most Prestigious Award. That subjective danger, he
goes on to argue, is one reason why the Pulitzer has become "the Academy Award
of almost all American writing," a prize that celebrates the popular cliché rather
than the critical masterpiece. In this course, we will test Bates's contention
by reading, analyzing, contrasting, and evaluating a winner of
the American Pulitzer award with a winner of the British Booker award, and
a winner of no literary award. We will also analyze the film adaptations of
each text, grounding our analyses in an assortment of theoretical methodologies.
Student intellectual expectations are these: a serious commitment to learning
about literary and film analysis grounded in cultural theoretical contexts;
engaged discussion in every class session; periodic written analyses (3-5
pp.); secondary research; and a final oral and written term project which
will require your theoretical conjecturing about why a certain Pulitzer or
Booker prizewinning fiction (that we have not read as a class) won that particular
award.Senior English majors only. Texts: Edith Wharton, The
Age of Innocence; Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient; John O'Brien,
Leaving Las Vegas; M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms;
photocopied course packet.
497/498I (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 11:30-1:20
Extreme Poetry: The Beats. This course will examine the poetry and
prose of writers associated with the Beat movement. Our main interest will
be the textual procedures and spiritual preoccupations that have inspired
a wide range of texts. A special effort will be made to place the Beats
in the context of European art movemenst such as Dada, Futurism, Surrealism,
and Negritude, beginning with the crucial reception of the work of Jean
Genet and Antonin Artaud by American artists and writers in the early nineteen-fifties.
Works by Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs, and many others. Texts: photocopied
course packet. Senior English majors only.
497/498YA (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 7-8:50 p.m.
(Evening Degree)
Science and Culture. This class will focus on the literary and cultural
character, and the philosophical presuppositions, of scientific texts. Physical
science, natural science, and social science are increasingly seen by their
historians, theorists, and some practitioners as socially created constructs
rather than as unproblematic "mirrors of nature" (to use the phrase of the
philosopher Richard Rorty). The traditional "common sense" assumption that
scientific language is a direct, objective representation of the world--one
which is somehow very different from poetic or literary language (which is
indeterminate in meaning and which invites interpretation) seems rather naive
today. In this class we will study the writing and interpretive practices
of scientists, as well as the literary and aesthetic character of scientific
work. We will first look at theories about the general nature of scientific
practice, and then focus on developments in biology, from Darwin to recent
controversies about genetics. We will take a careful look at the literary,
rhetorical qualities of scientific texts and accounts of scientific discoveries.
And we will also grapple with the implications of recent scientific claims
for a new understanding of "human nature," something which had previously
pretty much been the domain of literature and philosophy. The texts we will
be reading contain a diversity of views, and often argue directly with one
another; untangling the disagreements and trying to adjudicate between opposing
views will be a major part of what we do in this class. The books ordered
here will be supplemented by additional readings. (Senior Evening Degree
English majors only, Registration Periods 1 & 2.) Texts: Steve
Woolgar, Science; Evelyn Fox Keller, A Feeling for the Organism;
Philip Appleman, ed., Charles Darwin; James D. Watson, The Double
Helix; Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene; Ruth Hubbard & Elijah
Wald, Exploding the Gene Myth; Matt Ridley, The Red Queen; Donna
Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women.
499A (Independent Study)
Individual study by arrangement with instructor. Instructor codes and
further information in Undergraduate Programs office, A-11 Padelford.