Course Descriptions (as of 28 February 2002)
The following course descriptions have been written by individual instructors
to provide more detailed information on specific section sthan that found in
the General Catalog. When individual descriptions are not available, the
General Catalog descriptions [in brackets] are used. (Although we try to have
as accurate and complete information as possible, this schedule remains subject
to change.)
To Spring 200-level
To Spring 300-level
To 2001-2002 Senior Seminars
440 A (Special Studies in Literature)
MW 10:30-12:20
Literature and the Holocaust. By examining fiction,
poetry, diaries, monuments and aspects of popular culture, this course will
explore representations of the Holocaust and focus on responses to the Holocaust
in America and Israel. Among the topics to be covered: bearing witness and
survivor testimony; the shaping of collective memory; the second generation
and future generations; gender and the Holocaust. Readings will include
the diary of Anne Frank, David Grossman’s See Under Love, Art Spiegelman’s Maus,
Aharon Appelfeld’s, Tzili, and other texts. Offered
jointly with NE 496, C LIT 396. Texts: Grossman, See
Under Love; Spiegelman, Maus I; Appelfeld, Tzili; Frank,
Diary of a Young Girl; Wiesel, Night.
466 YA (Gay & Lesbian Studies)
TTh 7-8:50 pm
Representational Politics. During the quarter we will look
critically at differing "queer" representa-tions, paying close attention
to how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-gender Americans are mediated,
by whom, in what contexts, and with what conse-quences. A few representations
are drawn from the mass-media; the vast majority are the work of self-identi-fied
glbt fiction writers, film-makers, journalists, and critics. The course
aims are: 1. to familiarize students with U.S. queer history from 1950 to
the present--and thus to establish an context for contemporary cultural and
political practices involving diverse sexual minorities; 2. to practice reading
across social surfaces, starting with a message relayed by one work (eg.,
the liberation slogan "gay is good," state statutes criminalizing "homosexual
sodomy," the Defense of Marriage Act, Boys Don't Cry) and following
that message to other locations where it is reinforced, modified, or contested;
3. to hone critical reading skills and representational strategies that challenge
regimes of the normal, affirm queer identities, and/or encourage respect for
sexual and gender differences; 4. to acquire greater knowledge of contemporary
queer authors, primarily lesbians and gay men; and 5. to enable informed participation
in a contemporary critical conversation that is often referred to as queer
theory talk. Evening Degree students only, Registration Period 1.
Texts to include Kenan, Let the Dead Bury the Dead; Feinberg,
Stone Butch Blues; others to be determined.
471 A (The Composition Process)
TTh 1:30-3:20
Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing. In this class students will
read and reflect on a number of theoretical issues that have emerged over
the last twenty-five to thirty years in the field of composition studies.
This focus will enable the course members to consider how the act of writing
has been perceived in terms of product, process, and post process. It will
also encourage participants to see how that continues to evolve and change
and how we might wish to position ourselves with respect to existing knowledge.
Because the purpose of 471 is to introduce students to the theory and practice
of teaching writing, and to help them reflect on their own position as a
writer/teacher, they will be involved in both individual and group projects
which will enable them to work collaboratively and individually. Add
codes in English Advising office, A-2B Padelford.
479 A (Language Variation & Policy in North America)
TTh 12:30-2:20
Once we establish a working knowledge of the structure and function of language,
this course will examine the social, cultural, and economic forces that have
led to the emergence of language variation based on region, gender, race,
ethnicity, and class. Special interest will be paid to on-going discussions
about the place of bilingualism and bidialectalism in home, community, and
school settings. We will then explore the ways in which both informal
and institutionalized forms of linguistic discrimination affect the degrees
of access to education, the labor force, and political institutions available
to members of various groups in our society. Finally, in light of the
“new immigration” (i.e., the post-1965 immigration of non-European peoples
to this country), we will pay special attention to the impact of both the
English Only and the English Plus movements on second-language speakers and
learners living in the United States. Texts: Rosina Lippi-Green, English
with an Accent; Walt Wolfram & Natalie Schilling-Estes, American
483 A (Advanced
Verse Writing)
TTh 11:30-12:50
Intensive study of the ways and means of making a poem. Prerequisite:
ENGL 383 and writing sample. Add codes available in Creative Writing
office, B-25 PDL. No texts.
483 B (Advanced
Verse Writing)
TTh 2:30-3:50
484 U (Advanced
Short Story Writing)
W 4:30-7:10 pm
This is the last in the undergraduate sequence of short story workshops;
entry will only be allowed for student writers who demonstrate real familiarity
with the fundamentals of short fiction, and who have both specific ambitions
as a story writer, and the capacity to work independently. Exemplary readings,
written student critiques, and formal introductions to fictional work will
also be required, as well as a conscientious willingness to help other students
with their manuscripts. Fiction writing is a serious way of knowing the world,
and no time will be squandered on analyzing the strictly commercial marketplace,
or on how one might reduplicate fiction whose only function is the passing
of time or the making of money. No texts. Prerequisite: ENGL 384;
writing sample. Add codes in Creative Writing office, B-25 Padelford.
491 A (Internship)
Supervised experience in local businesses and other agencies. Open only
to upper-division English majors. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite: 25
credits in English. Add codes, further information in Undergraduate Advising
office, A-2-B Padelford (206-543-2634).
492 A (Advanced Expository Writing Conference)
Tutorial arranged by prior mutual agreement between individual student and
instructor. Revision of manuscripts is emphasized, but new work may also be
undertaken. Instructor codes, further information available in Undergraduate
Advising Office, A-2-B Padelford (206-543-2634).
493 A (Advanced Creative Writing Conference)
Tutorial arranged by prior mutual agreement between individual student and
instructor. Revision of manuscripts is emphasized, but new work may
also be undertaken. Instructor codes, further information available in Creative
Writing office, B-25 Padelford (206-543-9865; open 1-5 daily).
494 A (Honors Seminar)
TTh 11:30-1:20
Strategies of Interpretation: History, Politics, and Form in the Work
of W.E.B. DuBois. “Strategies of Interpretation”
introduces English majors to a wide range of methods for interpreting literary
texts, analyzing historical and political contexts, and addressing questions
of genre, form, and literary value. At the center of our inquiry will
be The Souls of Black Folk, the monumental work by the African American
writer and activist W. E. B. DuBois. In order to make meaning of this
complex and multifaceted text we will consider the moment in which it was
written, other period writings that treat similar issues, criticism written
on it both at the turn of the century and more recently, biographical material
on DuBois, and recent theoretical work on race. Even as DuBois remains
central to our discussion throughout the quarter, we will always at the same
time remain focused on the development of a variety of different strategies
for interpreting literary texts. In the second part of the course the
interpretative tools that we have crafted while reading Souls will
be used to produce criticism on other works by DuBois, including his romantic
novel Dark Princess (1928), and his genre-busting assemblage Darkwater
(1920). The course will conclude with a discussion of the relationship
of literary form to political content, and will raise questions about our
role as readers and critics in shaping the literary canon and defining literary
value. For Departmental Honors students only; add codes in English
Advising office, A-2B PDL. Texts: W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls
of Black Folk; Dark Princess; Darkwater; Michael Omin & Howard
Winant, Racial Formations in the United States; Toni Morrison, Playing
in the Dark.
496 A (Major Conference for Honors)
Individual study (reading, papers) by arrangement with the instructor.
Required of and limited to honors seniors in English. Add codes in English
Advising, A-2-B Padelford.
497/8 A (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 12:30-2:20
"Other" Representations of World War II. The lore and legacy
that constitute the national memory of World War II is so familiar that it
hardly needs mention. Even as Americans approach the 21st century and
a "war against terror," the events and crises of World War II remain important
to cohering and validating the current declared mission of the US. In
this course we will explore the making of the legacy of World War II from
an often-neglected location, that of ethnic or racialized Others living in
the US, whether national or heroic subjects or not. We will read or
view a wide range of primary works from and about the period of World War
II, as well as turning our attention to the contemporary recycling of World
War II in the wake of the events of September 11. The materials we will
cover will include novels, short stories, jourrnalistic accounts, films and
histories. (The textbooks listed below will be supplemented with a course
readings packet.) What we hope is to gain a better understanding of
the myriad ways in which that war has been recorded, remembered, and re-imagined.
Students taking this seminar should be aware that it is structured as an interdisciplinary,
team-taught course. Our class will meet with a senior-level history
class enrolled with Professor Susan Glenn from the History department.
Professor Glenn and I welcome, in particular, those students interested in
thinking and writing across disciplinary lines. Texts:
Plenberg, War and Society; Okubo, Citizen 13660; Himes, If
He Hollers, Let Him Go; Spiegelman, Maus, Vol. 1; Hersey, Hiroshima;
Mailer, The Naked and the Dead; photocopied course packet.
497/8 B (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 10:30-12:20
Literature and Myth. In this course, students will study transmissions
and transformations of myth through literature. Using various critical approaches
as tools, we will explore literary uses of myth by tracing the transmission
of particular myths from "original" sources to a later adaptation, and examine
how the meaning of a myth can shift according to the context in which it occurs.
During the first three weeks of the quarter students will become familiar
with various critical and methodological approaches used in the literary
analysis of myth, begin to plan their individual projects, and develop course
proposals. Students are free to choose their primary text from any literary
period that interests them, and their mythic sources from any culture. Subsequent
weeks will be devoted to class presentations and discussions of each project,
and pursuit of research. Students should be interested in the intersections
of literature and myth, familiar with the mythology of at least one culture
and have some familiarity with literary or anthropological critical theory.
Each student will pursue his or her own research project during the quarter,
and turn in a 20-page paper at the end of the quarter. Grades are based upon
successful completion of individual research projects.
Text: photocopied course packet.
497/8 C (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 12:30-2:20
Colonial and Post Colonial Writers and Writing from the Archipelago and
the Continent. This course will look at Philippine writing
under colonialism (Spain, United States) and after with side trips to the
cosmopolitan center with Philippine-American writers. Texts:
Jose Rizal, Noli me tangere; N. V. M. Gonzalez, A Season of Grace;
Work on the Mountain; Carlos Bulosan, America is in the Heart;
F. Sionil Jose, Dusk; Jessica Haggedorn, Dogeaters; Peter
Bacho, Cebu.
497/8 D (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 1:30-3:20
Classrooms, Lunchrooms, and Playgrounds -- Contemporary Discussions on
American Education and Race. This interdisciplinary seminar
will bring together a wide variety of texts in order to further our understanding
about two interrelated processes: the racial dimensions of contemporary
education, and how we as contemporary subjects are educated into a racial
logic. Our discussion-oriented seminar will focus on both social history
and literature. Texts: Ann Arnett Ferguson, Bad Boys: Public Schools
in the Making of Black Masculinity; Cameron & McCarthy, eds., Race,
Identity and Representation in Education; Theresa Perry, ed., The
Real Ebonics Debate: Power, Language, and the Education of African-American
Children; Beverly Daniel Tatem, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting
Together in the Cafeteria? and Other Conversations about Race; Shawn
Wong, American Knees; Gillian & Gillian, Growing Up Ethnic
in America: Contemporary Fiction about Learning to be American.
497/8 E (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 9:30-11:20
Contracts of the Heart: Sacrifice, Gift Economy and Literary Exchange
in Coleridge and Wordsworth. In this seminar we will study the literary
relationship of Coleridge and Wordsworth who, as one critic remarked, “not
only pervasively influenced one another, but did so in a way that challenges
ordinary methods of assessments.” We will explore the possibility of
deriving from theories of gift exchange and sacrifice a new model of literary
influence that would shed light on this remarkably intimate and deeply conflicted
We will spend the first four weeks of the quarter studying theories of gift
exchange and sacrifice as proposed, among others, by Marcel Mauss, Marshall
Sahlins, Georg Simmel, Lewis Hyde and Pierre Bourdieu (on the gift); and
by Sigmund Freud, Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, René Girard and Georges
Bataille (on sacrifice). The next six weeks will be devoted to the
study of major poems by Coleridge and Wordsworth in chronological order,
showing how the two poets, while desiring to imitate each other, find themselves
competing for the same themes and appropriating each other’s subjects.
Thus, while early Coleridge wrote successful nature poetry and Wordsworth
portrayed moving stories of human suffering in a supernatural setting, after
their collaboration on the Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth turned to the philosophy
of the mind’s relationship with nature, while Coleridge started to explore
the effects of supernaturalism on the psyche.
Such moments of merging and separation can be profitably viewed through the
lens of gift exchange and sacrifice. The gift, for example, generates
a number of paradoxes that are relevant to the relationship between Coleridge
and Wordsworth, being at once an altruistic model of social interaction,
placing value on human bonds above economic or private interests, while at
the same time remaining embedded in a self-interested power structure.
Gift exchange often secures the privileged position of the donor at the expense
of receivers and yet, as Mauss showed, receivers seem to retain “a sort of
proprietary right” over everything that belongs to the donor. The gift
thus generates the obfuscation of ownership rights and an erasure of the
differences between donors and beneficiaries. We will see how Wordsworth
and Coleridge, while collaborating early on a single unauthored volume (Lyrical
Ballads) and wanting to write the same poem (“The Wanderings of Cain,” “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”), found themselves increasingly asserting
“proprietary rights” over the stock of inventions which they initially passed
on to each other according to the law of the gift. Wordsworth continued
to use Coleridge’s ideas but tried hard to displace Coleridge as a gift-giving
source, turning to nature or his private fund of “possessions,” to “Something
within, which yet is shared by none” (“Home at Grasmere”). Assignments:
A long paper (10-16 pp.), written in two stages and subject to revision;
bi-weekly comments on assigned readings; a final exam. Texts: Marcel
Mauss, The Gift; Rene Girard, Violence and the Sacred;
S. T. Coleridge, Selected Poetry (ed. Beer); Biographia Literaria (ed.
Leask); Wordsworth, Selected Poetry (ed. Roe).
497/8 F (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 10:30-12:20
Plantation Hollywood. This course will explore the representation
of slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction in film and literature.
We will start with the question why two of the most important American films
– Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind – are about the war
between North and South, the conflict that Lincoln described as “a house divided.”
In order to answer this question, we will look at a series of 19th-century
literary texts written after the Civil War that attempted to heal the geographical,
social, and racial divisions that emerged in Reconstruction. These
texts will also create the context for the 20th-century films like Birth
of a Nation and Shirley Temple’s The Little Colonel that served
to rewrite slavery and the Civil War in ways that help us understand how
the South might have lost the Civil War but won the ideological battle of
Reconstruction. In addition to these films, we look at more recent films
like Glory, Sommersby, and the popular Ken Burns documentary
on the Civil War. Literary texts include Albion Tourgee, Fool’s Errand,
William de Forest, Miss Ravenal’s Conversion; Lydia Maria Child, Romance
of the Republic; Elizabeth Keckley, Behind the Scenes; Charles
Chestnutt, The Conjure Woman; Frances Harper, Iola Leroy. Texts:
Child, A Romance of the Republic; Keckling, Behind the Scenes;
Chesnutt, The Conjure Woman; Tourgee, Fool’s Errand; Harper,
Iola Leroy.
497/8 G (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 12:30-2:20
Electronic Literature. This course will offer
a chronological survey of the new literatures made possible by the advent
of the computer and other digital technologies. We will discuss such
classics as Laurie Anderson’s USA, William Gibson’s Neuromancer;
Shelley Jackson’s hypertext fiction Patchwork Girl; and the video
game Myst. We will also be looking at such 90s genres as e-poetry,
microcinema, and web art. Secondary readings will include essays by
Espen Aarspetch, Donna Haraway, George Landow, and Jennefer Ley. Texts:
William Gibson, Neuromancer; Shelley Jackson, Patchwork Girl;
UBI Soft, Myst.
497/8 H (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
TTh 1:30-3:20
British Writing of the 1920s. The class will
read a variety of works from this decade, ranging from its most famous and
difficult) poem: “The Waste Land,” to one of its favorite examples of popular
fiction: The Inimitable Jeeves. We’ll read Lady Chatterley’s
Lover, D. H. Lawrence’s most notorious novel -- banned for decades –
and fiction by Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf, and Aldous Huxley.
In addition, each student will be assigned a “lost” or neglected book written
during this decade as the focus for individual research and writing.
This quarter, the seminar will be held in a computer-assisted classroom,
which will make it possible for students to explore the research possibilities
of the Internet in addition to those of the library. Texts:
Mansfield, The Garden Party; Eliot, The Waste Land and Other Poems;
Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway; Wodehouse, The Inimitable Jeeves; Huxley,
Pount Counterpoint; Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
497/8I (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 10:30-12:20
Added 1/30; sln's: 497I - 8405; 498I - 8406.
Visions and Revisions. In this seminar we’ll
explore modern revisions of four classic texts of the Western canon – Shakespeare’s
The Tempest, Brontë’s Jane Eyre; Conrad’s Heart of
Darkness, and Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In
addition to the four works, we’ll read revisions produced by advocates for
colonial and postcolonial cultures in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa,
and the cultures of the African diaspora. Readings from postcolonial
and feminist criticism will also accompany our discussion of the social,
political and interpretive controversies these works have generated.
Meets with C LIT 493/C LIT 496. Texts: Jamaica Kincaid, A
Small Place; Shakespeare, The Tempest; Brontë, Jane Eyre;
Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea; Conrad, Heart of Darkness; Twain,
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
497/8 YA (Honors Senior Seminar/Senior Seminar)
MW 7-8:50 pm
Self-Help and Inheritance. “Self-Help” is the
title of a best-selling book from 1859 by Samuel Smiles. It serves
in the title for a course exploring literature in English from the
19th-20th C., a period that has sharply promoted self-making
through “self-help.” But with this has also come a complication in
thinking about inheritance. Inheritance fills out the title and sets
questions for the course about the extent to which we are “made” by
what has gone before, whether through family, gender, race, class, national/
imperial legacy, or cultural/ literary tradition. The class is designed
as an appropriate capstone for seniors completing an English major given
its theme and its seminar format. It provides a forum for reflection
on your own educational experience as an interplay between self-help
and inheritance. Primary readings drawn from: Austen, Pride
and Prejudice, Mill, ch. “Of Individuality” from “On Liberty,”
Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (with recent TV production), Dickens,
Great Expectations (with recent film), Woolf, “ A Room of One’s
Own,” Naipaul, A House for Mr. Biswas, Ackroyd,
English Music (2 ch.). Secondary historical/ critical/
theoretical material (short selections, not read by all) covered by presentations,
drawn from: Samuel Smiles, Edmund Burke, Matthew Arnold, Barbara
Hernstein-Smith, colonial/postcolonial criticism on Naipaul, Frederick
Jameson on post-modernism, possibly A. S. Byatt. Requirements:
on-going seminar discussion plus 2 presentations (whether leading discussion
of a primary text or reporting on a secondary text); 4-5 pp. paper; 8-10
pp. paper treating more than a single text. If you choose, these can
be related, so that the second paper revises and expands on the first.
The above requirements count 25%, 25%, 50%. No final. I am open
to adapt assignments to your purposes as you conclude your undergraduate
work. Research, discussion, oral presentation, critical writing (in
tight focus and more synthesizing formats) are practical skills you can enhance
and lay claim to via this course. Past senior seminars of mine have
proved helpful to students for providing the basis of letters of recommendation
and writing samples, for purposes of graduate school or other training, or
employment. Evening Degree senior majors only, Registration Period
1. Texts: Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice;
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass;
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations; John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
and On the Subjection of Women; V. S. Naipaul, A House for Mr. Biswas;
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own.
499 A (Independent Study)
Individual study by arrangement with instructor. Prerequisite: permission
of director of undergraduate education. Add codes, further information,
available in Undergraduate Advising office, A-2-B Padelford (206-543-2634)