ENGL 225A -- Quarter 2008

SHAKESPEARE (Shakespeare: Nation and Empire) Mukherjee M-Th 9:40-10:40 10955

In this course, we will read a selection of plays by Shakespeare; central to our concerns will be the impact on English identity of voyages of exploration and trade at the turn of the sixteenth century. We will examine the ways in which Shakespeare's plays reflect and respond to increasing contact with foreigner cultures--be it in America, Asia, or Africa. We will study how increasing awareness of other cultures leads to the elaboration of new notions of identity,sense of place, authority and nationhood. A major thematic thread in the course will be the emergence of ideologies of colonialism and imperialism as
represented in Shakespeare's plays. The latter will be read in dialogue with early modern literary and non-literary accounts of exploration, travel narratives, maps, and ethnographical studies. Requirements: Close attentive reading, regular attendance, participation, three short tests, leading class discussion, two short papers(3-4 pages), and one final research paper (6-8 pages).

More, Utopia (Norton Critical Edition)
Cymbeline (The Norton Shakespeare)
Henry V (Norton (The Norton Shakespeare)
Othello (The Norton Shakespeare)
Antony and Cleopatra (The Norton Shakespeare)
Tempest (The Norton Shakespeare)
A Course Pack

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