ENGL 316A -- Quarter 2009

POSTCLNIAL LIT & CLTR (Postcolonial Literature and Culture) Chrisman TTh 9:30-11:20 13037

This course introduces a range of important literatures, paying particular attention to writings connected with the historical experiences of colonialism, anti-colonial resistance and decolonization. It focuses on literature of the 20th and 21st centuries from the African continent. We will look at writings produced during the period of imperialism as well as those that followed national independence. Throughout the course we will examine key concepts in post-colonial theory, and discuss these in relation to the set texts. Aw well as examining the specific historical and cultural environments which frame post-colonial literatures, we will also chart broad issues such as language, race, gender, nationhood, neocolonialism, globalization, which are central to many post-colonial writers and critical commentators. Students are expected to keep up with an intensive reading schedule.

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