ENGL 242D -- Summer Quarter 2009

READING FICTION (The Graphic Novel) Simpson M-Th 12:00-2:10 10981

This is a course in reading so-called ‘graphic novels,’ although our texts are neither wholly graphic nor are they, properly speaking, novels. The term graphic novel is instead a loose designation that publishers use to describe the very recent genre of serious illustrated storytelling that has developed from the traditions of comics and cartoons. While the graphic novel has a relationship to other forms of writing or storytelling, its predominantly visual nature means we must adopt a different approach to it as readers. Drawing from recent theory and criticism on visual narratives, we will read and discuss four highly-regarded graphic novels, each of which presents a different challenge for readers of other stories. The goal is to learn both the key critical claims and approaches to reading graphic novels and to be able to perform your own original close readings as well. Assignments include weekly in-class exercises and two critical essays.

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