ENGL 242B -- Autumn Quarter 2009

READING FICTION (Periodization and Aesthetic Trends) Overaa M-Th 9:30-10:20 13190

ENGL 242 courses are designed to provide an introduction to the skills and techniques associated with reading, analyzing, and writing about fictional literature. This particular course will familiarize the student with different periods of literature and the dominant modes of thought that have influenced fiction writers at various historical junctures; to this end, readings will be drawn from the Romantic, Realist, Modern, and Postmodern periods. In addition to improving reading and writing skills, the student should exit the course with a deeper appreciation for fictional literature and the ways in which fiction both reflects and influences society. Student responsibilities include daily attendance, active participation in discussions and activities, two online postings, two short paper proposals, and two 5-7 page papers with revisions.

Course Reader, which will include short stories, journal articles, and other short readings.


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