ENGL 284A -- Autumn Quarter 2009

BEG SHORT STRY WRIT (Beginning Short Story Writing) Corozza TTh 10:30-11:50 13205

This course, as you may have guessed, is an introduction to the writing of short fiction. Through close readings of both classic and contemporary works, you will study the fundamental topics of writing, including, but not limited to, character, plot, point of view, scene, exposition, setting, theme, and pacing. One component of this class will be the workshop, in which you will bring your work to class and receive valuable feedback from your peers. Much of this class will be devoted to exploration, risk taking, and thought (both creative and analytical). You have stories to tell, and this class intended to provide as many avenues as possible for you to do so. You will be encouraged to experiment with your relationship with ideas and with your own material. There will be frequent short writing assignments, and by the end of the quarter, you will turn in at least twenty pages of revised writing, including at least one complete short story.

Text book: Janet Burroway, /Writing Fiction /ISBN-13: 9780321277367, also using a course pack

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