ENGL 200D -- Winter Quarter 2011

READING LIT FORMS (The Haunting and the Haunted: Re-Envisioning the Gothic Aesthetic Throughout Literature) Canton M-Th 11:30-12:20 13224

When thinking about the gothic genre one often conjures up images of dark sinister villains, brooding heroes, damsels in distress, and supernatural creatures such as vampires and ghosts. How did the word become so loaded and associated with the idea of psychological and visceral fears and anxieties? What are the defining characteristic of the gothic aesthetic? What shapes it? What is lost and/or gained when it becomes something more famliar, concrete and recognizable?

In order to explore these questions, we will read a variety of forms of literature including, novels, poems, short stories, and plays. Our readings will span several hundred years, the oldest being a Greek tragedy from the 5th century B.C. (Aeschylus’ Eumenides) and the most recent work being from the late 19th century. What these works all have in common are specific conventions, episodes, figures and characters, among other things, which make them important in the evolution of the gothic genre.

Throughout our readings we will explore the idea of the haunted figure. Through this archetype we will be able to see common gothic motifs in literature which we perhaps do not necessarily view as “gothic,” which will help us not only better understand the term as applied to literary works, but it will help us better appreciate how literary genres develop throughout history.

In order to fulfill the University “W” requirement, students will be asked to complete ten to fifteen pages of out of class writing, with revision.

Required Course Materials
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Norton Edition, ISBN 978-0-393-92754-2
Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey, Norton Edition, ISBN 978-0-393-97850-6
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, Norton Edition, ISBN 978-0-393-97889-6
William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Norton Edition, ISBN 978-0-393-97786-8
Course Reader, Available at The Ave. Copy Center. 4141 University Way NE.

The novels listed above will be available at the UW Bookstore, but if you choose to purchase your materials elsewhere, please use the ISBN numbers provided here. It is important that you obtain these editions since they contain required secondary criticism.

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