ENGL 316A -- Spring Quarter 2011

POSTCLNIAL LIT & CLTR (Postcolonial Literature and Culture) Reddy MW 10:30-12:20 13262

Post-WWII world history could easily be called the "Age of Postcoloniality," the period in which the European powers which controlled till then 85% of the world's land mass lost their colonies due to the freedom struggles across the non-western world. Though postcoloniality indicates the legal identity of the former colonies, as independent political states, globalization better describes the economic system that emerged in this period. This class will ask if there is an aesthetic or set of aesthetics that corresponds to the economic phenomenon of globalization. How do western and non-western writers since the 1970s represent globalization? Why is there an attempt to produce a global aesthetic as well as the numerous counter-aesthetics that have emerged in the wake of that attempt? Do aesthetics enable or inhibit a deeper ethical and political relationship to globalization?

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