ENGL 329A -- Quarter 2010

RISE OF ENG NOVEL (Rise of the English Novel) Lockwood MW 12:30-2:20 13361

The beginnings of the English novel in modern form, vividly illustrated in works by Defoe, Haywood, Richardson, Fielding, and Burney. This course aims to give students a detailed appreciation of six classic novels of the eighteenth century, along with some understanding of the history and theory of fiction at a crucial moment of change, and a picture of the social and cultural background. Short papers, quizzes, exams, and lots of reading, so please be warned. Texts: Defoe, Moll Flanders; Haywood, Love in Excess; Richardson, Pamela; Clarissa; Fielding, Joseph Andrews; Shamela; Burney, Evelina.

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