ENGL 213A -- Winter Quarter 2012

MODERN/POST MOD LITERATURE (Modern & Postmodern Literature) Gillis-Bridges MW 11:30-1:20 13248

English 213 explores U.S. and British literary modernism and postmodernism as responses to distinct historical, political, social, and cultural contexts of the 20th century. The period witnessed two world wars—and the concomitant development of military technology that brought destruction on an unprecedented scale—economic depression, the refinement of mass production methods; continuing migration from rural to urban areas; civil and women’s rights movements; the development or proliferation of transportation, communication, entertainment and computer technologies; and the effects of globalization. Modern and postmodern literature reflects as well as shapes human perception of these phenomena. As we examine novels and poems of the era, we will focus on how artists experimented with language and form to represent the altered sense of space, time, and the self engendered by modernity and postmodernity. We will also pay attention to literary interrogations into the nature of narrative, history and memory.

Students in the course work toward several goals:

*Analyzing the language, structure and themes of fictional texts,
*Explaining the relationship between selected 20th-century literary texts and the political, social, historical and cultural contexts of their production,
*Defining (and recognizing the limits of defining) literary modernism and postmodernism, and
*Developing as critical thinkers who can formulate substantive arguments and explore those arguments with evidence.

Course activities promote active learning, with most class sessions incorporating a mix of mini-lectures, discussion, and group work. The course design—which includes frequent non-graded and graded writing—reflects the importance of writing as a means of learning. My role is to provide the tools and resources you will need to advance your own thinking. I will pose questions, design activities to help you think through these questions, and respond to your ideas. Your role is to do the hard work—the close reading, discussion, and writing. You will analyze texts, present your interpretations via class discussion and written assignments, and critically respond to others’ readings.

Winter 2010 course web site: http://faculty.washington.edu/kgb/213/. Please note that some texts and assignments will be altered for 2012.

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