ENGL 479A -- Quarter 2012

LANG VAR LANG POOL (Language Variation and Policy in North America) Guerra TTh 10:30-12:20 13357

Once we establish a working knowledge of the structure and function of language, this course will examine the social, cultural, and economic forces that have led to the emergence of language variation based on region, gender, race, ethnicity, and class. We will then explore the ways both informal and institutionalized forms of linguistic discrimination affect the degrees of access to education, the labor force, and political institutions available to members of various groups in our society. Finally, in light of the post-1965 immigration of non-European people to this country, we will pay particular attention to the impact of both the English Only and the English Plus movements on second language speakers and learners living in the United States. Special interest will also be paid to the on-going discussions about the place of bilingualism and bidialectalism in home, community and school settings.

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