ENGL 342A -- Quarter 2012

CONTEMPORARY NOVEL (Fiction and Feeling) Allen TTh 2:30-4:20 13597

This course will focus on readings about emotions and will move in two related directions: (1) we'll explore emotional responses to very recent novels, and (2) we'll read non-fictional/theoretical texts about emotions themselves. We'll take up some provocative questions: What does it mean to "identify" with a character, really? How much of our own lives do we read into a character's life? What does "being moved" by something we read or view involve? Are emotions universal or do they vary from culture to culture? How do emotions become a commodity in work and personal environments? What kinds of situations require emotions on demand? How do we account for the bodily responses that sometimes accompany intense emotional responses? What are the consequences of repressing one's feelings?

Students will choose between writing two shorter or one longer paper, and will give 2 class presentations. Participation in discussion is required. So are lively opinions, and an interest in this topic. We'll read books by Cormac McCarthy, Toni Morrison, Justin Torres, Nicole Krauss, Nami Mun, and one or two others.

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