ENGL 477B -- Quarter 2012

CHILDREN'S LIT (Children's Literature) Lee * * * 21962

(Evening Degree Program)

This class is a survey of many "canonical" works of children's literature dating largely from the nineteenth century. However, our larger aim is to examine these works in their social and cultural contexts, articulating a complex relationship between the figure of the child, the texts which portray and theorize them, and the historical moments from which such portrayals and arguments emerge.

Student learning goals

Analyze children's literature from a critical perspective.

Understand the relationship between the production of literature and the context from which it is produced.

Have a better sense of nineteenth-century literature and culture.

Build an appreciation for nineteenth-century children's literature as a distinctive genre.

General method of instruction

This is an online class, which requires that you manage your time well to complete your assigned reading and writing. It is a W-credit class, which means you should anticipate an intensive amount of writing. Students will be asked to submit eight short essays as the term progresses at about three pages each. There will also be one in-person final exam during finals week.

Recommended preparation

An ability and willingness to keep up with the online schedule. Some familiarity with nineteenth-century literature and culture recommended, but not required.

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