ENGL 474A -- Summer Quarter 2013

SPEC TPCS ENG-TCHRS (Special Topics in English for Teachers) Simmons-O'Neill M-Th 9:40-11:50 11361

Service-Learning Seminar for Future Teachers VLPA; optional W available; may be used toward Education, Learning and Society field work or elective requirements

This service-learning course will combine on-campus seminar meetings with work in a summer school literacy program at Olympic Hills Elementary, a "high needs" public school in the Lake City neighborhood in north
seattle. Required volunteer work will take place during class meeting times, with the option of additional volunteer work outside of class time for those who would like more experience or additional credit.
Our work on campus will include consideration of some reasons students struggle with reading and writing, strategies and skills for understanding and supporting students' development as readers and writers, and
focused attention on both the literacy curriculum at Olympic Hills, and on ourselves as teachers, community members and writers.

Questions? Contact the instructor, Elizabeth Simmons-O'Neill, esoneill@uw.edu (no add codes required)
Texts: coursepack

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