ENGL 496A -- Spring Quarter 2014

H-MAJOR CONF-HONORS (Major Conference for Honors) Weinbaum TTh 11:30-1:20 13734

This writing and research intensive seminar will walk you through the process of producing your honors thesis. During the course of quarter you will produce a thesis abstract, annotated bibliography, thesis outline, and a series of drafts of various lengths. These writings will be work-shopped and reviewed by your colleagues and, at times, by me. You will also have individual conferences with me as the quarter progresses. Emphasis of the seminar will be placed on fine tuning of library research skills, development of writing skills, and acquisition of the fine art of effective, generous, and at once critical peer review of your colleague’s written work—not to mention handing in a great thesis with which you are happy at the end of the quarter!

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