ENGL 207A -- Winter Quarter 2008

INTRO CULTURE ST (Introduction to Cultural Studies) Clark M-Th 12:30- 12849

"Cultural Studies and the Archive" In this course we will approach cultural studies as a methodology, one that enables a specific kind of reading attentive to the contexts in which a variety of forms of representation are shaped, distributed, and received.

We will begin with a brief historical survey of the field and its key terms, before moving on to consider its intersections with other interdisciplinary methodologies (in particular those of visual studies, textual studies, and cultural history).

In the latter part of the quarter we will put this into practice, performing our own cultural studies readings. Our focus will be a consideration of the idea of the archive, or what we might term archival thinking, in contemporary culture, particularly as it relates to the emergent field of memory studies.

Readings will include a photocopied course pack and selections from The Archive, edited by Charles Merewether. Assessment is likely to include regular response papers, class presentations and a longer final paper, in addition to thoughtful and engaged reading and class participation.

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