ENGL 342B -- Quarter 2014

CONTEMPORARY NOVEL (Contemporary Novel) Taranath TTh 10:30-12:20 13707

This class focuses on literature that will help us think about how people categorize each other on the basis of various social and biological features, including gender, race, ethnicity, language, citizenship status, sexuality, and ability. In all societies around the globe, some are part of the Center--often with status and the power to make and enforce rules--and some are relegated to the Margin--often with less power and subject to the rules and regulations that the Center dictates. These dynamics play out in terms of international relations between countries on the world stage, as well as in our own seemingly smaller lives with family and friends. What's going on? Why does this keep happening? And what does this have to do with you and me? The novels we read this term will help us imagine people who might seem different from us, and provoke us to ask larger questions about identity, power, privilege, society and the role of culture in our lives.

This is a special class associated with the “Texts and Teachers” and “UW in the High School” programs. Nine high school teachers from around the region and your professor co-created the class in a one-week collaborative workshop. “Margins and Centers” is offered here at the UW, and in 4 area high schools: Franklin, Eastlake, Roosevelt and Kentlake High Schools. All of us are reading the same books! During Spring quarter, I will be visiting each of the 4 high schools to interact with the students and teachers. Additionally, each of the 4 high schools will visit the UW and our class this quarter to participate in shared dialogues and discussions with us. If you are excited to welcome high school students into our classroom and discuss ideas together, this might be a great class for you!

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