ENGL 200D -- Winter Quarter 2015

READING LIT FORMS (The Urban Woman, 1895-1930) Arvidson M-Th 12:30-1:20 13915

This class will use literature from the early twentieth century to explore the distinctive possibilities and risks that urban environments presented to women. In particular, cities represented spaces of intellectual, social, and sexual freedom but also focused centers of alienation, imbalanced power, and potential violence. Taking London and New York as our principal locales, we’ll examine poetry, non-fiction, short stories, and novels by authors who may include Edith Wharton, Nella Larsen, Djuna Barnes, Anita Loos, Sarah Grand, Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, Rebecca West, and Mina Loy. In order to put these authors in conversation with contemporary commentary on the city and effects of urbanization, we’ll read literary works alongside short pieces of journalism and sociology.

This material will provide opportunities for developing academic writing and revision skills. Grading will be based on participation, short assignments, and formal papers, and students can expect to be reading and writing in preparation for every class meeting. Class time will be divided between large- and small-group discussions and short lectures.

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