ENGL 478A -- Spring Quarter 2014

LANG & SOCL POLICY (Language and Social Policy) Bojan MW 10:30-12:20 20837

This course examines various phenomena related to the Serbo-Croatian
> language, on the one hand, and, on the other, to the Bosnian, Croatian,
> Montenegrin, and Serbian languages. Concepts such as language death and
> language birth are explored. The relationship between dialect and
> language is analyzed. Notions of language politics, language
> standardization, and language codification in general and specifically
> in the Balkans are considered. Structures of Bosnian, Croatian,
> Montenegrin, and Serbian are briefly addressed for purposes of making
> linguistic comparisons. No prior knowledge of the language(s) is
> necessary since most readings are general and students may work on any
> language(s) of their choice.

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