ENGL 225A -- Summer Quarter 2015

SHAKESPEARE (SHAKESPEARE) Staten M-Th 9:40-11:50 11309

Class: ENGL 225 A
M-TH 9:40-11:50 Staten FTR 106
This class is an introduction to Shakespeare, mostly by way of some of his most fascinating and, at times, disturbing plays: the Merchant of Venice, Measure for Measure, The Taming of the Shrew, and Troilus and Cressida. We will read one play per week, and I will ask you write a 3-4 page paper on each play. I will drop your lowest grade (which means that if you choose to, you can write only three of the papers, without penalty; but then I won't drop the lowest grade). In addition, there will be a one hour final in which I will simply ask you objective questions about the characters and plot of the four plays. You may use any text of the plays, or take them off the internet.

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