ENGL 207B -- Spring Quarter 2008

INTRO CULTURE ST (Introduction to Cultural Studies) Dean M-Th 12:30- 12804

This course will focus on two primary questions: how does one "do" cultural studies, and what does cultural studies "do"? To address these issues, we'll focus first on the historical origins of the disciplines, inquiries and values that describe cultural studies, and then examine recent examples of work with a special emphasis on urban visual and material culture. We will examine and employ different strategies of reading culture to understand their different intellectual, creative and political aims and investments.

We will read across a wide range of genres and media, including critical theory, cultural criticism and literature, as well as film, visual art, websites, everyday artifacts and urban locations. Specific texts are still to be determined; expect to buy a course reader and several books.

Classroom time will be devoted primarily to discussion, so your participation will be essential.

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