ENGL 382A -- Autumn Quarter 2016

SPECIAL MULTIMODAL (Special Topics in Multimodal Composition: Multimodal Rhetoric and Technical Communication) Shivers-McNair TTh 9:30-11:20 23152

This course offers students in a variety of disciplines--humanities, business, arts, sciences, engineering, etc.--an opportunity to learn and practice skills in writing and communicating across media. The course provides a creative, collaborative space for students to work on projects connected to their interests and to share communicative, cultural, disciplinary, and technical resources. Over a series of weekly studio sessions, students will learn and apply ethical, empathetic strategies for research and design, for prototyping and usability testing, and for encountering failure and being accountable. At the end of the quarter, students will present on and submit a final project. This course satisfies the UW composition (C) or writing (W) credit.

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