ENGL 202A -- Quarter 2009

INTRO TO ENGL LANG AND LIT (Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature) Burstein MWF 10:30- 13043

Technically, this is a Gateway Course, designed for the English major and
pre-major. Logistically, this course will introduce the student to the study of
English literature. Specifically, this course will give the student some sense
of different literary genre and how to approach those genre critically.
Methodologically, this course will focus on 19th and 20th century texts in order
to play through some critical approaches. Thematically, this course will take
subjectivity as its purview.

Beyond (or before) all that, this course will likely focus on Joseph Conrad’s
novel /Heart of Darkness;/ some poems by Marianne Moore; Edgar Allen Poe’s
peculiar short story “The Purloined Letter”; and some other instances from
that species known as the author.

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