ENGL 200F -- Quarter 2008

READING LIT FORMS (Conceptions of Self in Literature) Overaa M-Th 1:30-2:20 13053

“The function of literature,” American literary critic Lionel Trilling claimed, “through all its mutations, has been to make us aware of the particularity of selves.” While one might propose a number of counterarguments about the “function of literature,” Trilling does succeed in identifying “selfhood” as one of literature’s principal themes. In this class we will read three novels and a number of short stories, poems, and critical articles to explore how conceptions of selfhood have evolved over the past 200 years. This course is also designed to familiarize you with different periods of literature and the dominant modes of thought that have influenced literature at various historical junctures. The overall course goals are to hone your: 1) critical thinking skills; 2) ability to analyze literary texts; and 3) ability to write about literature. Student responsibilities include daily attendance, active participation in discussions and activities, and two 5-7 page papers with revisions.


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