ENGL 200D -- Quarter 2008

READING LIT FORMS (“The Anxieties and Pleasures of Reading Literature”) Anderson M-Th 11:30-12:20 13051

In this section of Engl 200 we will read texts that attempt to explicitly expose the act of reading for what it is: an active, frustrating, pleasurable, push-and-pull exercise that ultimately resists a final definition of itself. What is reading? What is this “thing” we do and more importantly, what is our role and what are our responsibilities upon opening a book? This course will challenge preconceived notions and definitions of the terms “reader,” “text,” and “author.” Often these terms are accepted at face value and as self-evident. However, as we investigate their possible roles during the act of reading literature we might find that they fail to maintain their popular definitions. However, whatever anxiety resulting from such an investigation will productively fuel our class discussions and your own writing.

To this end we will read Italo Calvino’s uncannily self-referential novel If on a winter’s night a traveler; Mark Z. Danielewski’s encyclopedic and labyrinthine House of Leaves, as well as short stories by H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Shelley Jackson, Woody Allen, Jorge Luis Borges, and others. We will also be reading short critical work that explores the act of reading. In order to further our inquiry into the nature of reading literature and enrich our discussion of literature we will also consider “reading” a film (Pulp Fiction or 21 Grams) that, like the above literary texts, invites engaged and active participation.

The assigned writing for this class will take the form of online forum postings following the readings, and a series of short papers with revisions. Students will be divided into groups and will present on designated discussion days. There will also be opportunities to peer-review one another’s work. Participation in class discussion is absolutely necessary. The reading for this class will be demanding, but infinitely rewarding.

Course Packet:
The Shadow at the Bottom of the World, Thomas Ligotti
The Call of Cthulhu, H.P. Lovecraft
The Library of Babel, Jorge Luis Borges
The Kugelmass Episode, Woody Allen
“Literature and Life,” Gilles Deleuze
“The Death of the Author,” Roland Barthes
“What is an Author?” Michel Foucault
“Writing as Reading” Susan Sontag
“Inhabiting House of Leaves,” N. Katherine Hayles
“Liminal Terror and Collective Identity,” Matt Cardin


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