ENGL 225A -- Autumn Quarter 2008

SHAKESPEARE (SHAKESPEARE) Mukherjee M-Th 8:30- 13067

An introduction to Shakespeare's world and theatre. We will situate a selection of Shakespeare's plays in the historical conditions in Renaissance England, exploring the topicality of the plays in relation to the social, political and cultural conditions in which they were written. Some of our main thematic concerns will be the theatrical conditions at the turn of the
> seventeenth century, marriage, family, economics, gender relations, and monarchical power. We will pair the plays with various documents from the age such as religious sermons, philosophical writings, political treatises, anti-theatrical tracts, and a blockbuster from one of Shakespeare's theatrical predecessors. While the major objective of the course is to understand Shakespeare historically, students will get ample opportunity to hone in close-reading and analytical skills.
As a W course, they can expect to produce approximately 15 pages of revised and polished critical prose on the readings. Plays to be read: Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night, Richard II, Hamlet, and Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy.
Requirements: Regular attendance, participation, three short tests, two short papers (3-4 pages), and a final research paper (7-10 pages) revised and expanded from one of the short papers.



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