ENGL 498B -- Autumn Quarter 2017

SENIOR SEMINAR (SENIOR SEMINAR) Simmons-O'Neill TTh 10:30-12:20 14658

In English 498B  (5 credits) students will meet twice weekly on campus (TuTh 10:30-12:20) in a writing-intensive course focused on understanding and responding to difference and inequality, learning effective inclusive methods of working with each other and with public school students, and exploring some central challenges and opportunities for transformative public education. We'll use discussion, writing and presentation to inquire into, develop, and communicate our thinking about these issues as they relate to our academic, personal, civic and career goals. The final assignment sequence will be career-related writing -- including identifying and creating application materials for a job or internship you're interested in -- taught in collaboration with the UW Career and Internship Center.

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