ENGL 250C -- Quarter 2008

American Literature (Passing as American) Patterson T-Th 12:30-2:20 13079

In this course, we will consider how literature has played an important role in constructing a sense of what it means to be “American.” This course is not a survey of American literature, but rather an introduction to the issues, problems, and questions raised by some of its texts. In particular, we will consider two important and recurring themes in American literature—captivity and passing—in order to see the varieties of ways writers have had of addressing the problem of creating and maintaining national identities. We will be reading texts that complicate our understanding of what it means to be an American and what it means to be an author. We will be reading and discussing the works intensively. Requirements will include in-class writing assignments, two essays, and a final exam. Texts: Nella Larsen, Passing; Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life; Hannah Foster, The Coquette; Art Spiegelman, Maus; Edith Wharton, House of Mirth; and a course reader.

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