ENGL 284A -- Quarter 2009

BEG SHORT STRY WRIT (Beginning Short Story Writing) Corbo MW 2:30-3:50 13029

This course is an introduction to the writing of fiction. We are all inherently storytellers, blessed with imagination, the ability for observation and recollection, and a tireless need to share. But, how we tell these stories, how we situate each idea, each phrase, each word to play out with a particular rhythm, along a particular path, revealing truths about the world around us – this is the stuff of narrative craft. Our job as writers is to read and write deliberately, with intention. So, we’ll read published works, looking at the ways other writers approach key craft elements, and we will engage in writing workshops where you will receive and dole out respectful responses. There will be a number of short writing exercises and each student will produce a 10-20 page short story, which will undergo substantial revision.

Book List - Burroway, Janet, Writing Fiction: A Guide To Narrative Craft 0-321-27736-8

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