ENGL 321A -- Quarter 2009

CHAUCER (Chaucer) Borlik MW 12:30-2:20 13038

English 321 offers an entrancing glimpse into the art and the age of Geoffrey Chaucer. First and foremost, students will learn to understand and relish the peculiar musicality of Middle-English verse. We will then earn our spurs by venturing into two of Chaucer’s dream visions, before embarking on an invigorating romp through The Canterbury Tales. Students should come prepared to discuss Chaucer’s representations of gender, love, sex, marriage, class, and the animal/human boundary. Coursework will include a short response essay, an in-class presentation, an annotated bibliography, and a 7-8 pp. research paper.

• THE RIVERSIDE CHAUCER, ED. LARRY BENSON ET ALT. (Required) ISBN-13: 978-0395-29031-6

• The Cambridge companion to Chaucer, ed. Piero boitani and jill mann (Optional) isbn-13: 978-0521
-8155- 6

• coursepack


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