Winter 2021 Course Schedule

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200 A Reading Literary Forms Kumler TTh 12:30-2:20 14241
200 B Reading Literary Forms Daud M-TH 2:30-3:20 14242
200 C Reading Literary Forms Daniel MW 10:30-12:20 14243
200 D Reading Literary Forms TTh 11:30-1:20 14244
201 A Introduction to English Within the Humanities McCue ONLINE 14245
201 B Introduction to English Within the Humanities McCue ONLINE 14246
202 A Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Ibrahim MWF 10:30-11:20 14247
202 AA Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Holt W 11:30-12:20 14248
202 AB Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Holt W 1:30-2:30 14249
202 AC Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Kipling F 9:30-10:20 14250
202 AD Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Kipling F 12:30-1:30 14251
207 A Introduction to Cultural Studies Harkins MW 12:30-2:20 14253
213 B Modern & Postmodern Literature Burstein MW 11:30-1:20 14256
225 A SHAKESPEARE Streitberger MW 11:30-1:20 14257
242 A Read Prose Fiction Diment TTh 2:30-4:20 14258
243 A Reading Poetry LaPorte TTh 11:30-1:20 14261
250 A American Literature Abrams TTh 3:30-5:20 14262
257 A Asian American Literature Ishii MW 10:30-12:20 14263
259 A Literature and Social Difference Wirth TTh 9:30-11:20 14264
265 A Introduction to Environmental Humanities Groves MW 10:00-11:20 14265
281 A Intermediat Expository Writing Cuffman MW 10:30-12:20
282 B Intermediate Multimodal Composition McGowan TTh 1:30-3:20
282 C Intermediate Multimodal Composition Thu MW 10:30-12:20
283 A Beginning Verse Writing Triplett TTh 1:30-2:50 14270
284 A Beginning Short Story Writing Shields MW 1:30-2:50 14271
284 B Beginning Short Story Writing Huso TTh 1:30-2:50 14272
285 A WRITERS ON WRITING Sonenberg TTh 12:30-2:20 14274
288 A Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Walwema MW 9:30-11:20 14276
288 B Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Walwema MW 11:30-1:20 14277
288 C Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Medina TTh 2:30-4:20 14278
295 A Study Abroad ARR 14279
297 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Matthews TTh 2:30-3:50 14281
297 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Elezovic MWF 12:30-1:20 14282
297 C Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Matthews TTh 4:00-5:20 14283
298 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Daniel MW 3:30-4:50 14284
298 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Wilson TTh 2:30-3:50 14285
298 C Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Bachman MWF 12:30-1:20 14286
298 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Bartley MWF 12:30-1:20 14287
299 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Wacker MW 8:30-9:50 14288
299 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Ghasedi TTh 2:30-3:50 14289
299 C Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Holstrom TTh 1:00-2:40 14290
299 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences Devos MWF 12:30-1:20 14291
299 F Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences McCauley MW 2:30-3:50 14293
302 A Critical Practice Staten MW 12:30-2:20 14294
302 B Critical Practice Kaup TTh 2:30-4:20 14295
308 A Marxism & Literary Theory Weinbaum TTh 9:30-11:20 14296
312 A Jewish Literature: Biblical to Modern Sokoloff TTh 11:30-1:20 14297
315 A Literary Modernism Burstein MW 2:30-4:20 14298
316 A Postcolonial Literature and Culture Taranath TTh 8:30-10:20 14299
323 A Shakespeare to 1603 Knight TTh 3:30-5:20 14301
349 A Science Fiction and Fantasy Foster TTh 10:30-12:20 14303
352 A Literatures of the United States to 1865 Griffith M-TH 8:30-9:20 14304
353 B American Literature: Later Nineteenth Century Abrams TTh 6:30-8:20p 14305
354 A American Literature: Early Twentieth Centure Griffith M-TH 9:30-10:20 14306
359 A Contemporary American Indian Literature Teuton MW 1:30-3:20 14307
370 A English Language Study Moore MW 12:30-2:20 14309
379 A Special Topics in Power and Difference Patterson MW 12:30-2:20 14310
381 A Advanced Expository Writing Concannon TTh 1:30-3:20
381 B Advanced Expository Writing Stygall MW 10:30-12:30 14312
382 A Special Topics in Multimodal Composition Postal TTh 10:30-12:20 14313
383 A The Craft of Verse Triplett TH 4:30-7:20p 14314
384 A The Craft of Prose Paris MW 1:30-2:50 14315
386 A Asian-American Literature Ishii MW 2:30-4:20 14316
395 A Study Abroad ARR 14317
407 A Special Topics in Cultural Studies George MW 11:30-1:20 14318
422 A Arthurian Legends Remley TTh 3:30-5:20 14319
471 A The Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing Medina TTh 1:30-3:20 14321
484 A Advanced Prose Workshop Crouse TTh 11:30-12:50 14323
490 A Looking Forward: Professionalization and Public Life Gillis-Bridges TTh 12:30-2:20 14324
491 A Internship Sisko ARR 14325
491 B Internship Bawarshi ARR 14326
491 C Internship Grimmer ARR 22374
493 A Advanced Creative Writing Conference ARR 14327
494 A Honors Seminar Shields MW 1:30-3:20 14328
494 B Honors Seminar Weinbaum TTh 1:30-3:20 14329

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