Spring 2011 Course Schedule

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200 B The Likeable Devil of Literature Nelson M-Th 9:30-10:20 13177
200 C STRANGE CHILDREN McCollum M-Th 10:30-11:20 13178
200 D Reading Literary Forms Wang M-Th 11:30-12:20 13179
200 E Sex, Religion and Violence Canton M-Th 12:30-1:20 13180
200 F “The Monstrous Feminine” Bashaw M-Th 1:30-2:20 13181
207 A Waiting’ Children and the Cultural Politics of Adoption Kim M-Th 12:30-1:20 13188
212 A Individuals and Industry Hansen MW 11:30-12:20, TTh 11:30-12:20 13189
213 A Modern Times Dwyer M-Th 10:30-11:20 13190
225 A SHAKESPEARE Hansen M-Th 12:30-1:20 13191
242 B Banned, Bowdlerized, and Burned: Reading (and Writing) as Political Chang M-Th 9:30-10:30 13192
242 D the production of identity Zhang M-Th 11:30-12:20 13194
242 E Softcore, Hardboiled: Justice Served Hot and Cold in Crime Stories Menzies M-Th 12:30-1:20 13195
242 F Traditions of Romance Speser M-Th 1:30-2:20 13196
243 A Reading Poetry Cohen M-Th 11:30-12:20 13197
244 A The Villain Magnusson M-Th 10:30-11:20 19402
250 A Mythologies of Americana Summers M-Th 9:30-10:20 13198
250 B “Beyond National Belonging” Murr M-Th 10:30-11:20 13199
251 A Reality Hunger: Non-Fiction and American Crisis Chude-Sokei MWF 12:30-1:20 19324
258 A African-American Literature: 1745-Present Ibrahim TTh 11:30-1:20 13200
281 A Writing and Participatory Culture Featherman MW 10:30-12:20 13201
281 B Intermediat Expository Writing Kang TTh 10:30-12:20
283 A Beginning Verse Writing Muth MW 12:30-1:50 13204
283 B Beginning Verse Writing Malhotra TTh 9:30-10:50 13205
284 A Beginning Short Story Writing Szilagyi TTh 1:30-2:50 13207
284 B Beginning Short Story Writing Herum TTh 9:30-10:50 13208
297 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Stuby MWF 11:30-12:20 13210
297 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Terry MWF 12:30-1:20 13211
297 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Martin MWF 1:30-2:20 13213
297 E Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Stansbury MWF 4:30-5:20 13214
297 G Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities McNamara MWF 9:30-10:20 13216
297 J Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Holzer MWF 11:30-12:20 13219
297 K Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Jaccard MWF 11:30-12:20 13220
297 L Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Myers MWF 11:30-12:20 13221
297 M Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities Smorodinsky MWF 11:30-12:20 13222
298 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Simmons-O'Neill MW 10:30-12:20 13224
298 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Stansbury MWF 10:30-12:20 13225
298 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Burnett MWF 11:30-12:20 13227
298 G Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Wacker MWF 1:30-2:20 13230
298 I Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Dupuy MW 10:30-11:50 13232
298 J Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Morgan TTh 9:30-10:50 13233
298 K Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences D'Ambruoso MWF 10:30-11:20 13234
298 O Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences O'Neill MWF 11:30-12:20 13237
298 Q Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Laufenberg MWF 10:30-11:20 13239
298 R Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Wacker MWF 1:30-2:20 13240
298 S Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Matthews MWF 10:30-11:20 13241
298 V Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Vidakovic MW 12:30-1:50 13244
300 A Reading Major Texts Liu MW 12:30-2:20 13245
301 A Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Staten MWF 10:30-11:20 13246
301 AB Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Patterson Th 12:30-1:20 13248
301 AC Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Gutierrez Th 12:30-1:20 13249
301 AD Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Patterson Th 2:30-3:20 13250
301 AE Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Gutierrez Th 2:30-3:20 13251
302 A Haunted by History Cummings MW 12:30-2:20 13252
302 B The Object(s) of Literature Patterson TTh 2:30-4:20 13253
302 D Marxist Literary Theory Weinbaum TTh 10:30-12:20 13254
302 E Critical Paradigms for Analyzing Ethnic American Literature Gairola TTh 7:00-8:50p 19460
306 A Introduction to Rhetoric Rai TTh 11:30-1:20 13255
314 A Transatlantic Literature and Culture Searle M-Th 12:30-1:20 13257
316 A Postcolonial Literature and Culture Reddy MW 10:30-12:20 13262
319 A African Literatures Chrisman MW 7:00-8:50p 19461
330 A English Literature: The Romantic Age LaPorte TTh 1:30-3:20 17877
336 A Paradoxes of the New: British Modernism, 1900-22 Jaussen MW 4:30-6:50p 19462
340 A Modern Anglo-Irish Literature Popov TTh 9:30-11:20 13267
345 A American Independent Film Gillis-Bridges M 2:30-5:20 13270
348 A In the Margins of Comedy from Measure for Measure to American Beauty Streitberger TTh 10:30-12:20 13271
354 A American Literature: The Early Modern Period Griffith M-Th 8:30-9:20 13275
365 A Literature and Discourses on the Environment Wilke MWF 12:30-1:20 19364
371 A ENGLISH SYNTAX Dillon TTh 2:30-4:20 13277
383 A The Craft of Verse Camponovo M 3:30-6:10p 13279
384 A The Craft of Prose Bosworth W 4:30-7:10p 13280
440 B The Paranormal Romance Cherniavsky TTh 12:30-2:20 13282
440 C Re-Imagining Nature: The Environmental Humanities in the 21st Century (C.E.) Handwerk MW 1:30-3:20 13283
440 D English Literature of the 1920s James MW 10:30-12:20 13284
442 A Sovereignty and the Contemporary Novel Sands TTh 9:30-11:20 13285
452 A Nineteenth-Century American Literature and The Restless Vortex of Community Abrams MW 2:30-4:20 13286
471 A The Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing Bawarshi MW 1:30-3:20 13287
473 A Language ideology and history Moore MW 11:30-1:20 13288
481 A Special Studies in Expository Writing Simmons-O'Neill MW 10:30-12:20 13290
483 A Advanced Verse Workshop Feld MW 3:30-4:50 13291
483 B Advanced Verse Workshop Bierds TTh 1:30-2:50 13292
484 A Advanced Prose Workshop Sonenberg MW 12:30-1:50 13293
485 A NOVEL WRITING Bosworth T 4:30-7:10p 13294
495 A Major Conference for Honors in Creative Writing Triplett TTh 1:30-2:50 13298
496 A Major Conference for Honors Lockwood MW 1:30-3:20 13299
496 B Major Conference for Honors George TTh 1:30-3:20 13300
498 A Narratives of African Crisis: Child Soldiers Chude-Sokei MW 2:30-4:20 13302

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